Underground And Under Water. CHAPTER THREE

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After everything I've gone through in the past few hours, I still wouldn't have ever imagined being sucked straight into the Earth. The men warned me but I didn't believe them until this very moment in time. They were right! They were right about everything. I will never be seen again, and maybe I'm comfortable with that. Though assuming it would kill me has gone over the top of my head now discovering how I'm not in excruciating pain. I should be crushed, suffocated and dead but here I am still existing inside a body that can not comprehend what this strange occurrence is.

To me everything feels like mush from the inside out as if my bones don't exist any longer and I am complete Jell-O. I can only see blackness, but for some reason I'm no longer afraid. Maybe it is the relief of not being smothered to death by the ground itself. I'm in no pain at all but am completely paralyzed. My lungs are not needing a breath and are comfortable like I just took one. The only thing that is disturbing to me is the part where I can't hear a single sound. No moving through dirt, and most definitely nothing from myself either. It's as if my body doesn't exist anymore. The heartbeat that I normally hear every second of every day is no longer there.

An exhaustion washes over me like someone put a spell upon my body. Instantly I presume its the spirit that has done this to me, I'm surprised but more curious than anything. If I'm being taken somewhere by that creature I guess it will be better than that prison I was in. Being here right now is better, even though it seems like somehow time has stopped and I'm drifting off into my own little world. Though really, I am struggling to keep a straight mind. I'm falling into such a peaceful silence that I allow myself to go and possibly into some sort of forced slumber.

Out of no where I feel like a switch was flipped and suddenly all of the senses have returned to my body. I'm a bit woozy and light-headed as if I slept for hours which may be true. A frigid sensation washes over my body, feeling how the ground must be some type of stone. Next, a smell drifts into my nostrils...dampness, but cold, mustsy? Rock and dirt? Where am I?

The fatigue wears off so quickly because of the hard ground below my muscles. It doesn't feel like time has passed from when I was out in that strange forest, but I know I'm no longer there anymore. My ears are ringing, and at first I wonder why until I take a breath, recalling what it's like to feel the air go into my lungs. I determine that where ever I am, this place is just silent. Meaning no one is here, not even a living creature or plant. Unless the spirit is here. No breeze, no water, no surrounding things that can make sound. It's odd. Very odd.

My eyes peek open, unsticking my eyelashes from each other. They blink a few times trying to focus but when there's nothing I just flinch. My trembling body moves up into a sitting position. My head moves up and down, left and right and still all I can see is blackness. There's aren't any twinkling stars up above to give me comfort. I feel around on the ground, but strangely find no trace of dirt that should've come sprinkling down when I fell. Does this mean I really didn't go through the Earth? Maybe it was some sort of trick. I only have one more conception and it's that my mind could by chance be tampering with reality.

I close my eyes for a second and take in some air, hoping it will allow my shaking body to calm down. Within a second of breathing in the musty air I declare that yes this is real life. It's got to be! I've checked this twice now and still I'm contemplating on if all of this has really happened or if it is only my imagination. Maybe the whole reason why I was locked up in that building was because I'm a lunatic. And the men just told me things to frighten me. That makes a lot more sense than what I'm experiencing. I must find my way out, I must run away to somewhere safe.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя