Dinner And Diatribes. CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT

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With the Elder Vampires here for a few days before their planned departure, Queen Angelina orders a celebratory dinner party for the group of us. Learning the great news that the Elders are allowing Perry's banishment to be lifted without the Councils making that decision, she wanted to thank the men for being so considerate.

It is our third dinner here in Dibbley and my body is becoming somewhat used to the strange hours the vampires live by. I don't feel as confused and exhausted, and this morning I'm surprisingly calmer than usual. Perry admits it feels amazing to live by vampire hours again, where before he ate and slept when he was told.

I walk through the front hall confused to why the Queen told us we'd have a relaxed dinner, when she's dressed me in such formal clothing that I've ever worn in my life. Secondly, the Elder Vampires will be present, why would it be relaxed?

Perry laughs, "They call it semi-informal, but most rules override it. This is our home so the Queen is sat first, then assumingly the guests- our Elder Vampires, then the rest of the Royals."

I nod, still nervous that these Elders will be difficult. It's already nerve wracking enough to sit in a room with a queen, two princes and a princess. I'm already scared to be alone with the tall raven-haired assistant who's just as terrifying as the rest of them.

When we enter through the double doors, I catch view of the Queen instantly. She sits so elegantly at the end of the massive table. Her hands are folded in her lap, sitting patiently waiting for us to arrive. My eyes fall down to the floor, my stomach churning.

Just because I seem to be in the liking of Perry's aunt according to him, she's still the Vampire Queen. The woman could snap her fingers and people would jump to her demand. I wouldn't doubt if I did something slightly against her liking she could send me away, or worse. This is why she petrifies me to the core.

"Greetings, Prince Perry and Miss Elenor..." I catch sight of two of the quiet Elder Vampires sitting at the large dinner table as well. They look at us with blank faces.

Queen Angelina gestures towards a metal cart beside the doors, "Please, take some tea while we wait for our Elders, Prince Nenook, and Lady Gretchen."

Her formality comes off as overly nice, but Perry doesn't seem phased at all. He gives her a soft nod, "Good morning."

The cart beside the doors hold an elegant pastel tea set, small plates, intricately folded napkins, and little muffins that could fit easily in your mouth. It looks like a perfectly set display for a still life paininting.

"It is nice to see that you both have found your new clothing I sent up!" Yes, my second dress of the day. She smiles, "I've sent orders for some to be tailored, of course they'll come measure you both."

Her words give shivers up my back, and I spin around to watch Perry holding a tea pot in his hands. It steams from the spout, the warmness close enough for me too feel. I watch him stare at it, his eyes following it's blue patterns.

I'm unable to respond to his aunt, but he turns around to look at her, "We are very grateful, thank you!"

Besides Queen Angelina not knowing I don't plan on visiting Perry ever again, I just didn't expect her to have the desire to provide me with fancy tailored clothes. Does she expect me to stay?

My dress is a bit long on me, but other than that it's extremely flattering, I can't imagine having custom clothes made to my liking.

Perry doesn't notice my confusion, but instead shows me the piece of glass in his hands. He holds it gently, handling it unlike other men would do, "This used to be my mother's."

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