Greetings From The Woods. CHAPTER ELEVEN

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After resting much longer than we should, Estelle and I continue on our way to the portal in silence. We listen to the peacefulness of the night, and I know it is something rare to experience in life. The both of us are so drained that we don't talk or pay much attention to each other. My only focus right now is to get where we need to go as promptly as imaginable, though walking through fallen tree branches, leaves, bushes, and through uneven ground is difficult when it is practically pitch black out.

Sitting in isolation had made me pay attention to the things that others my not notice, such as sounds, or observing the outside world from a barred window. Staring out the window and watching the sky turn black and the moon moving through the sky. Using it as a clock, as well as the sun was something I recall doing before I got too curious about myself and became hopeless.

Now all of that time sitting and being aware of the sky has helped me in the long run, even though most of the time all I could see was a forest. On the very bright nights when the moon was full and the stars glittered I'd watch them through the trees, and spend the whole night wondering what was up there.

We have been travelling for so long that my feet are aching, my chest is hard, and my mind longs for a big rest. Looking up at the sky on my travels has helped me determine the time of night. The moon is creeping towards the skyline faster and faster, telling me that I've been out here for hours.

Sunrise will come in the next two hours or so, which means we've got to be on track to our destination. We will arrive in the dark, but that doesn't guarantee the Hunters won't be waiting to capture us once more. The only thing we can depend on is my excellent hearing and the spirit that we haven't seen since we first got out here.

Suddenly we come across a hill and my mind goes into a whirl. This area feels more than awfully familiar and a shiver goes up my spine, "I think we are almost here."

Before Estelle can even part her lips I catch a glare of a sparkly purple mist at the top of the hill. The apparition glows down on us, as if it's a physical person standing there waiting for us to reach the top. The spirit is just as breathtaking to me as before, maybe even more so now that I know it has only intentions of aiding its followers. The longer I stare the more its vibrant purple dust rubs off on me, making me loose the tension throughout my body.

I can't help but allow the spirit's essence to take over me because its feeling is so enticing. It's as if I was floating with it, through the night air leading me to safety. The creature gives off pure power, like nothing could stop it from doing its sworn duty. All of these sensations happen simultaneously and I almost can feel some newly emerged energy rushing through my body. I'm no longer drained as joy emerges, and I know I can get to the portal in minutes.

Once I get close enough the spirit is so bright it illuminates the forest around us, giving everything a purpled hue. If I could reach my hand up I'd be able to touch the creature, but a second passes and it's gone ahead so quickly as if it was blown by a gust of wind. I follow, almost running now that I'm no longer afraid of tripping.

I get at the top of the hill and know when the spirit stops it is time for us to part ways. Yards ahead it stays sparkling above a platform, the one I know will take me to the portal and to safety. It glitters down into the platform and before the purple hue has fully faded away I notice a figure moving behind the platform. I try to stop moving but my body can't let me until it is too late and I'm standing before the platform hearing the person switch directions in the now pitch darkness.

I'm unable to see them and so right away I begin backing up, bumping into Estelle who I forgot came with me. She whispers, "I think someone's here."

"Who's there?" A voice calls from somewhere ahead of us. At first the sound of her is frightening, causing me to panic and push myself away from Estelle. "Hello?" The familiar voice rings throughout the forest more clear and I instantly sigh of relief and run forward in excitement, "Jane?! You're okay!"

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