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Knowing we are unsafe at the estate has caused uneasiness for all of us, but for me it's more than just difficult. It's a definite death sentence if I get caught with this vampire. It's too dangerous to have him as my servant, and though I feel bad for him, he needs to be freed as soon as possible.

After locking up the home, we all end up in the basement family room to discuss our plans. We know the werewolf pack won't be back, but we don't expect the Hunters to not show up. With everyone on guard, Abe and Leddy have agreed to stay and guard us before we travel back to Elyria in the morning. It's too dangerous to travel at night, considering how many of us there are. We could get caught by the Hunters immedietly.

Coming down here to have a group meeting was something I tried to avoid, not because of my injury but because I dislike group setting. I made the excuse that my leg wouldn't allow me to come down but the servant carried me. I was told everyone needed to be included. So now, uncomfortable and shy, I sit alone in an armchair with my leg elevated. Perry stands off to the side of my chair, although I offered him a seat.

We just arrived but the chaos of everyone's voices has my mind spinning. I feel like a schizophrenic patient, so many voices at once I can't focus on my own thoughts. I keep my head low; I already want to leave.

Instead of conversing in conversation my mind is elsewhere, trying to find a solution for my dilemma with Perry. If he is who the Hunters say he is, then I have to follow my gut and split us up; especially before anything romantic happens between us. We have to stay safe, our lives depend on it.

My smartest option is to send the vampire somewhere far away. Earth would be safe and from any Elyrian creatures that could come through the portal. Maybe send him to another country? I assume flying on a plane to kidnap a man would be very difficult to do on Earth.

Leddy announces snapping me out of my daze, "Our investigation on the wolf pack has ended, but now it's turned into a whole new challenge. Abe and I will have to report back to the Royal Guard."

Luke scoffs, "You said you were sent by the Councils to investigate the pack."

The Councils. Leddy spoke about them before, when she discovered we'd been imprisoned.

"We were." Abe answers.

Marek preaches, "You can't just get ahold of the Councils on your own. Abe and Leddy have to go through the Royal Guard to speak to a Council member or an Elder. They have more pressing matters than to meet with bounty hunters in person."

Abe and Leddy are bounty hunters?

I recall a discussion about the Guard from before, some work to protect the royals and their families, while others work for the kingdoms and do smaller jobs. My aunt works with some of the lower ranked Guard in Province.

Leddy sighs, "Luke, your stupid to think I met a Council member in person..."

My cousin's expression changes from a smirk to furrowed brows. His tense body language shows he's angry, "I didn't even say that!"

"We all know you thought it..." Leddy laughs.

Luke huffs, "Do you think they will take it to the Councils? I mean this is some sort of foul play on Earth..."

"Which is illegal." Jane states.

"Of course they'll take the information back to them!" Leddy sounds pissed.

I stay quiet, overwhelmed by everyone.

My aunt adds in, "Correct."

Koda stands and starts pacing, "And if Elyrian creatures have brought danger to Earth, the Councils would want to protect our planet from being discovered by humans." He gestures towards Luke, "They will definitely get involved."

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant