The Festival: Part One. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN

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Striding amongst a bustling street is not how I preferred to spend my afternoon, but experiencing my very first holiday in Elyria alone is apparently not acceptable. So this evening I have to ignore my living horror that the Hunters want to attain me as their prisoner.

My dread of being out in public is so intense that I'm watching over my shoulder when every passerby looks suspicious. I hide my trembling hands in my arms, hoping I don't catch someone following or watching me from a distance.

Strangely, I catch Koda drifting away from the group, acting similar to me. He appears even more paranoid, hiding his face and watching people's movements with his eyes. He's not so convincing, considering he just assured us we'd be safe from the Hunter's because it's too dangerous for them in Province.

He didn't want to come, but never gave us a sturdy argument to his reasoning. The family concluded everyone was going, making the point that we need to remake memories for me before we're all grown up. I did confess that I have no sign of my past memories arising.

Being forced out into the evening air, is refreshing after being inside for days but I'd rather be in the comfort and security of the indoors. Not being prepared for such a lively event, I'm horrified about the scale of guests that will occupy Province. The possible dangers we could encounter make me hide in our group.

The star will set in the May sky around 8pm but it has already gone behind the mountains before we departed. The trees hide the light that could burn my vampire friend, but this evening he is safe from direct star light.

Once we get to the end of the street I catch sight of a cliffside that overlooks a jaw dropping view. The white sanded beach distracts me, and before too long the large cluster of people splits off into groups.

The eldest zoom off as if planning to escape from their children, except Jarin who follows closely behind my grandfather. I watch them go out of sight and then look at the others to my left. They as well, are interested in something completely different than I.

The hillside to our left has industrial looking thrill rides in a park-like area between the buildings and the cliff. The strange amusement park rides are are metal and wood, and bright colored flags hang. Strings of bulb lights hang as well, flashing and drawing people's attention.

Music comes from the area, but not any type of automated system from the rides. After listening for a second I understand that it's in fact real musicians and live music, playing unrecognizable instruments I've never seen before. They sound like horns, but look like a mixmatch of pieces that aren't supposed to go together.

The rides look like they come from the industrial revolution, having intricate parts but still not too oversized. I feel like we've transported to the 1920's, with the striped overhangs on the little operators stands.

Luke petitions for everyone to go, pointing at the spinny ride as an adolescent would do, "I haven't been on one of these since I was little!" He skips forward, "It was so long ago."

The bunch settles with the idea by sprinting to catch up with the runaway, but I stay still, feeling ill in the stomach. Physically I'm unable to rush. Only a few days have passed since my shin was mangled by a werewolf. Secondly I'm overwhelmed by community and social interaction. I need more time to explore, and not go one hundred miles a minute.

Estelle yells behind her at Koda who tries to sneak off alone, "Stay with me?"

He looks around before agreeing and joining her side.

"My last memory of a fair like this, a ride made me so dizzy I threw up my fried dough. My mom had to take my brother and I home early."

Koda sighs, "You miss them."

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