Narrator: Part Five

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Now my dear reader, at this part of my mother's story some important details are missed in her perspective. While she was trying to let the girls out, a werewolf was arriving back from delivering a message to the Hunters. The message was that any Elyrian's that were on the property were apprehended and locked away, just like the Hunters instructed them to do. This information was a sign for the Hunters that they could come to assess the individuals they caught, and take who they were searching for; my mother.

This means that the breaking of the key ring had to have been some sort of delay in the universe or what you may call the butterfly effect, where a small action can lead to a different outcome in the near future. The purpose of this key detail, see what I did there, was to prevent my mother from running into the Hunter that followed the werewolf back to inspect the prisoners. The Hunter was brought back to the underground cellar where the filthy mutts slept, to discuss the deals when the creatures awoke at sunset.


The Hunters told me they had eyes on the estate, but a werewolf raid on my grandparents' Earthen mansion is not what I'd expected. If only the Elders knew! They would highly dislike the dangerous canines roaming Earth; unlike they are supposed to do. I believe in Elyrian law the animals could get executed for any activities on Earth being in their wolf form.

After my last discussion with the head Hunter, we had a mutual agreement that he will stay away from my family as long as I don't step out of line or interfere with the planned ritual. This is why I am once again on Hunter property to prove myself, that I will do anything to keep my family safe. Even if it means dragging along an Elyrian woman I was sent to capture like the Hunter instructed. A stranger I wanted to leave free.

Inside the head man's office I sit in silence, impatiently awaiting his arrival and holding hostage a previous asset of his group. She sits uncomfortably, giving me an evil eye and I know all she wants is the head man dead. This means that in the future she could be a good resource, because we want the same.

"Sir, I come to meet with you to discuss some recent news..." A follower of the head Hunter enters his office, stopping at me realizing I am not his boss.

The man bows his head, "I apologize..." He looks at me and the woman I capture, "It looks like you have been busy, you must not have heard the news?"

I shake my head no even though I know exactly what is going through the man's mind. He laughs uncomfortablly, finally realizing who I am, "We have a message from the werewolves that their raid was successful. They did not say who they've captured, but we've come to hope that the three escapee's have been found."

My stomach falls, even though I already knew. The three girls I left behind, the ones who are depending on me the most. Maybe they think I'm dead, but it's better off that way. I'd rather not have them know I let them get captured and that I'm not coming to save them right now.

I shake off the thought, "I've got a prisoner of my own. She was working to expose the Hunters to the Elyrian Councils."

The man is skeptical of me, looking me over wondering if I did in fact capture this woman and not betray the Hunters by aiding my family. Thankfully though, one thought safely kept in the back of my head is that there is no evidence I was with my family. The werewolves don't have the right conscious thoughts to figure out who is who. Besides I don't think they were ever told who to look for. From what I've understood is that they were sent to take back anyone that had entered my grandparents mansion.

The man only nods at me and sits down in the chair next to my prisoner. He's awaiting for the head man to come in as well. Thankfully I am here to prove myself which will set my family free, but my safety relies on how easily I can manipulate the men around me. So, I have to please them today by bringing in this new prisoner.

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