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Sharp footsteps come into earshot, moving down a staircase then opening the door I was previously forced through. My stomach drops to the ends of the planet, as claustrophobia overcomes my body.

The panic inside of me isn't specifically because I dislike enclosed spaces, but more of the fact that I can't prevent anything from happening; I can't fight. I hold my breath, although I know the person isn't close enough to hear me yet.

This space is so small, I can't cower, sit, or even bend my body, so I lean against the wall awaiting my terrible fate. Being alone and waiting for someone to come across me is a horror in itself, but the worst part is that I can't move.

The man was gone a fairly short time, if he's back already I'm unprepared to fight back. I take in one sharp breath before I cover my mouth, hoping the person pays no mind to me.

I'm paralyzed in anticipation at the sound of a different door, then two people greeting. As the door shuts with a bang I flinch causing my chains to move. My anxiety skyrockets.

I don't recognize the voices, but all I can think about is the sound of the chain above me swinging back and forth. The two men stride down the corridor in my direction.

"You know about the lost princess, correct?" The first man starts.

The other man is silent.

"Word is going around that the little blonde is her."

I don't know any little blondes.

The other voice speaks, "Does that mean we almost have them all?"

"Yes, almost. But it is more important that we can find Elenor and her soulmate."


"I don't believe in soul mates."

"That's what was told in the prophecy."

"And we're here following in the footsteps of our ancestors who somehow met these people, who are going to supposedly come back to life and change history? We're also believing an old witch who we know nothing about?"

"We are here to set things right. It was time travel that caused this. Our ancestors wanted to protect our future, and the future of Elyria."

"I've always wondered, if that little Elyrian and her soulmate are planning to change history, then how do you think they'd time travel? Doesn't that go against the rules of magic?"

"Haven't you heard of dark witches?"

"Sure, but they're extinct."

The optimistic man laughs, "I suppose on record they're extinct, but what if some weren't all hunted down and killed off? Dark witches are dangerous but they are powerful. Wouldn't you expect dark magic to be involved with this?"

"There's no records of time travel that I know of."

"Of course there's no records of it you idiot, it's time travel!"

"So you think dark magic is going to cause an Elyrian to time travel?"

"Well, it's just an idea."

"That Elyrian must be evil if she's the one set to take over vampires..."

They're talking about me?

"Not just vampires, the prophecy said she will be known to expose the councils as they are."

"And this will cause war and destruction. She wants to create a new order."

Confusion fills my brain. This doesn't sound like me, but I know nothing of my future- well, now I do.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now