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So, in order for me and Mia being able to spend the next two weeks in Monaco, her father has forced her to go to a few events with him. Whether it was the work party last night or the charity event last week she had dragged me to all of them for compony, and eventhough I wasn't so keen about going, I didn't spending my evenings in the apartment all alone. Even if the events were boring me and Mia always found a way to have fun.

Mia and I have been best friends since she moved school and joined my year 6 class. I was very reserved and quiet, always standing back and observing everyone else. Whereas Mia was loud and crazy, catching everyone's eyes wherever she went. We soon became best friends and ended up going to the same high school. She brought the adventurous side of me whereas I calmed her down and turns out we ended up being the perfect match.

I'm not the most fortunate of people especially compared to Mia. A drop-dead gorgeous girl who grown up in massive house in London with anything she could want. She's showered with her parents love and is given every opportunity she can in life. Whereas I am sat here with the complete opposite.

I struggle a lot at home. My parents are working twenty-four seven, trying to get me everything that I need but, in the process, we've lost each other. They shower me with presents as a sorry instead of the love I want. There's arguments all the time and as soon as you enter the house an eerie and cold sense washes over you. We're just an average family living in an average house trying to live life, but inside the four wall I'm lost and the longer I stay the more I lose of myself.

And so as I finish drenching myself in perfume before I make my way out of the bathroom and into our bedroom where I find Mia strapping on her gold heels.

"You ready then?" I borrow her black bag that matches the white and pink floral dress I have on.

The dress has short sleeves that are puffed and has a squared neck. The skirt flows to my mid-thigh and is paired with Mia's black Chanel flats that she insisted I wore.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you" she says as she stands up.

"There's no need for any lies now" I laugh at her statement as we exit the room and walk down to the lobby of the penthouse her dad own.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I wait for a response as she opens her phone which I guess she's looking at her calendar.

"Formula one qualifying till three pm and then we have the rest of the day free to do whatever we want" she slides her phone back into her clutch and struts out of the building.

I'm quick to follow behind her. Formula one. Now I don't know much about the sport. To be honest I don't know anything, I'm guessing were just going to spend most of the day watching cars drive around. 

As the door to the Rolls Royce is opens me and Mia slide in. "Morning daddy, lovely to see you" Mia sings brightly. Her and her dad, Thomas, have an amazing relationship. One I wish I had with my dad. But Thomas is like a father figure to me. The father my dad could never be. "Good morning Thomas" I add in as I buckle myself in.

"Good morning girls, how did you sleep?" he shines a bright smile from the front and begins to drive off to the race I believe.

"Good as always but I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again" Mia replies. "What's happening today then?" she seeks for confirmation about what I was just informed about.

"Well today we are going to watch the qualifying for the GP which means tomorrow we are going to watch the race together" he beams excitedly, God that man and his love for formula one is crazy.

"So, we are going to be watching two races?" I ask

"No Lia we are watching the quail today"

Me and Mia turn to look at each other. We know exactly what the other one is thinking and currently we are trying not to laugh as well as figure out what qualifying is and how it differs to the race.

Thomas shakes his head from the front "qualifying is where the drives set lap records by driving as fast as they can to see where they are going to be starting for the race tomorrow"

And right after he finishes, we burst into laughter. Neither of us know exactly why we're laughing but right now this is the funniest things in the world.

"Alright alright girls calm down because we are here. I don't want you two embarrassing me like always" Thomas gets out the car and opens the car door for both me and Mia.

"We would never" I respond to Thomas as I get out.

We stay close behind him and make our way to the entrance where we are greeted by the barrier. Curtesy of Thomas I'm given a lanyard with the ticket attached. I scan the ticket and the barrier opens leading me into the paddock.

"Right girls I'm going to go find someone and for the time being go ahead and explore have fun and most importantly behave. I don't wanna find out that you two have you have been kicked out" it's as if he forgets were 19 and he gives us the look whist me and Mia speak with our eyes as if we are planning mischief already. "Also, Mia, your mother has informed me that she's found a venue for your birthday"

"Perfect" she adds before she puts her hand on my back and pushes me forward.

We're walking outside and passing may faces. Faces of people who are dressed up and ready for what seems like one of the biggest sporting events of the season and others who are in uniform who are rushing about to make sure everything's perfect.

Mechanics are working hard and rushing around the cars that are in the garage. Tv reporters stand close by, interviewing lots of different people, trying to find out as much as they can about the qualifying.

Halfway down the road where all the garages are we stop by one of them. The orange and light blue car sits still not to be touched unlike all the others. It's as if everyone's afraid of damaging it. All the team are working hard around the car looking at computers and carrying tyres, but no-one dared to touch the actual car itself.

However, it's the garage that has the most press surround it. There's something unique about it that's everyone's intrigued by. The crowd is standing there waiting for the team to tell them a secret that will shock the world.

Somehow, I feel lured in. I wanted to know the secret. I wanted to know what's going on and I wanted to feel involved. That papaya orange and sky blue had all my attention, just like everyone else's.

"This is such a waste of time" Mia adds as we both continue to stare into the garage. However, I was intrigued, and she was bored.

"I guess" I add and before I know it, I'm dragged back the way we came and lead upstairs to where the lounge area is.

She walks over straight to the bar where she demands for two porn star martini. Our usual. All she needed to do was batter her eyelashes at the bartender and he would do anything for her.

"I really hope time goes by fast" she begs as we walk out onto the balcony where we find out that the qualifying going to start soon.

Part of me hopes that time will fly by and that before we know It, we'll be on the beach catching the sun rays or at the spa recovering from the headache the cars have given us. But the other part of me just wants to see the orange and blue car speeding down the streets of Monaco letting the engine roar even if I'll have a headache after.

We take a seat on the highchair where we get the perfect overview of the starting line. We are right on the end of the balcony so to the left of me, I'm able to see the cars exit the garage and make their way out.

Let the qualifying begin, I guess!

Heyyy guys.
First chapters up !!! Let's me know what you think please 🧡

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