New type of Sundays

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New type of Sundays

"Anything else?" I  I raid the cupboards for anymore snacks I can find.

"No I think that's all for now" she reply's from the sofa which is probably big enough to classify as a bed.

Who am i kidding me and Mia always sleep up here cause they are so much comfier than her bed.

I begin placing some snakes back into the cupboard where I was standing. Me and mia were currently trying to sort out the cinema room for the next three or four hours of relaxation.

See when I told you this family was rich I meant they were crazy, filthy loaded with money. No human should be allows or have that much in their possession but it perfectly suited Moas life style which I'm sure her parents are more than happy to finance.

The cinema room was right at the top of the house occupying one of the three rooms. The obsidian black wall perfectly contrasted ti the bright colours in the projector that played movies and shows most of the week and was a great source if entertainment.

The ceilings were lined with thousands of small light representing the endless starry nights. It was the thing I live the most about this house. Every so often you'd find one of the stars fall and even though they aren't real I quickly make a wish, hoping for it to come true.

The room had a mini bar at the back which contained any and all snacked your heart could desire whilst watching a movie. Mini fridges contained drinks as well as food while the cupboard where stuffed with sweets and chocolate.

"Could you bring an oj please" she calls out.

I pick one up from the fridge and place it in the coffee table I front of the couch along side the chocolate and fruit.

"Right im gonna go and get father" and just like that she disappears.

I fall back into the comfy couched finally reaching relaxation. The last two weeks have been crazy busy. I had so many uni assignments to finish along side taking in two new clients which weren't easy to deal with. To top it all of I had my exams coming up and it was top on my worries list.

I had been so anti social for weeks pushing myself to the limits in order to achieve the best of my abilities. My days had consisted either going to uni or work during the day before heading to the gym for a work out and then heading home to study my head off all evening.

Im surprised,I haven't gone crazy.

I lay my head down on the sofa with the ability to instantly fall asleep right here. To be honest I would love to. This sofa which to be honest I would call a bed is super comfortable. Much comfier than mine if mias bed which is why we normally sleep in here.

The room had a projector food and great sleeping facilities, what more could a girl want?

The worst thing about this room is probably how big it gets in summer. Me and Mia had drive Thomas insane in order to get an air conditioner in this room, well mainly Mia yappered at his ear.

When he finally cave in and had it installed Mia was stupid enough not to know how to use it. So know the room was ether too hot or too cold. No matter how many times Thomas showed her what to do it wouldn't stick in her head and no one was brave enough to go down and ust Thomas to help us whilst he had word during the day.


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