Just as bright

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And so, I was sat here at Emily's kitchen island scrolling through my phone as she's losing her mind trying to find her car keys. I could be a good friend by helping her, which will also benefit me, because I wasn't late, but to be honest I was too lazy. And anyway, how do I know where she last had them.

"Got them" the red car key jingles among the key chains.

I hop of the mat black high stool, and I lead us out the front door. She locks up before both of our boots make contact with the floor alerting every one of our precents. We make our way to the garage, and she guides me to her car.

The blood red 911 porches sit there ready for her engine to roar through the city. The headlights blink as she unlocks the car allowing us to take our place in the smooth black leather seats. The car had red stitched matching the exterior. It's truly a lovely vehicle that was about to cruise the streets of London.

The car roars to life and slowly makes her way out of the garage. The radio plays 'Harleys in Hawaii' by Katy Perry which is one of my favourite songs. The song somehow manages to clear my anxiety as me and Emily begin to jam out.

Passing tall building in the darkness of the night the light from them sparkle bring the city to life, but our ride soon come to an end as we reach the restaurant.

I take a deep breath and turn my head over to Emily as soon as she starts to speak. I try to calm myself down and take a breather after out karaoke session.

"Have a lovely evening and don't forget any details cause you're going to tell me all about it all tomorrow" she sends me a cheeky smile.

"Will do" I answer back "drive safe and have a good evening with Luciano" I wish her and her fiancé a good date night before closing the door.

The red Porsche drives off into the night and I'm left here all by myself. I make my way down the hill to the restaurant, but the calling of my name causes me to stop.

"Hey Audilia!" he calls from a little further back.

"Heya" I greet Lando with a hug.

He blesses me with a sweet smile before reaching for my hand and leading us to the restaurant. His hand in mine causes my body to come to life as if I had just been shocked an electric fence.

We're guided to our seats. The restaurant was super cosey as everyone got their own personal bubbles to dine in. The wooden table sat in the middle and the oak chairs where lined  in faux fur.

The lights shimmer onto the river Thames and the London bridge was insight creating the perfect picture. With views like this I bet the restaurants fully booked all the time.

After ordering out food we fall into a comfortable conversation that brings laughter into the atmosphere every once in a while.

'yeah, so I have to travel up to Bristol tomorrow to see my family. Then for the rest of the day me and my brother are going to play a few rounds of golf" he informs me his plans.

"ooo I didn't know you played golf" I say surprised.

Who would have guessed? A guy who's so used to speed and thrill doing something so calming and relaxing in his spare time.

"You're looking at a future professional" he winks "I'll be golf champion after I'm a formula one world champion which should be pretty soon"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll believe that when I see it" I wined him up.

Our moments comes to an end and the bill is paid by Lando after many attempts from me to pay but failing.

Hand in hand we walk down the banks of the river Thames. The water sparkles from the reflection of the light. Tower bridge shines brightly as we make our way toward it.

The wind blows cooling the evening. My coat was wrapping me up warmly and comforted me from the bitter cold. God, the sooner England warmed up the better.

"so, what are your plans for the rest of the week?"

"well, I have uni tomorrow and then I have work for the rest of the week" I sight at the thought of the long boring days ahead "nothing that interesting but I might go see Mia on Saturday"

"How she doing?"

"University is keeping her busy but somehow she manages to go out clubbing twice a week" I laugh at her reckless soul.

"That girl is invincible" he laughs along.

We're standing at the edge of the bridge looking out to the river as boats pass by. The wind beings to pick up and I'm super thankful that my hair was up and not blowing into my face.

His arms sliver around my waits as he stands behind be. My breath stops and my hands reach for the bridge to steady myself.

His soft lips press against mine causing me to nearly fall back into his arms.

Thanks to the darkness my rosery cheeks can't be seen yet my heart still races way above the maximum speed limit.

"It's a beautiful evening" he states.

"It really is and I guess the stars are just as bright" I managed to somehow not stumbling over my words. "I don't want it to end"

"Me too Lia. Me too"

Whoa he had never called me Lia, but I love how it sounded it on his lips. I wish I could just play it on replay and never let it stop.

"What if we don't end it so soon yet" I propose.

"What have you planning your crazy mind"

His arms tighten around me as I lean back into him melting into the warmth of his body.

"What if we explore the city under the lights"

His silent make me sound so stupid and I so regret my words and just as I was about to tell him to forget my crazy thought he speaks up.

"Where are we off to first?" I slowly turn around to find a cheeky smile on his face.

And for the rest of the night we wonder the streets of London as we pass skyscrapers. We explore nearly the whole city as we pass Harrods, Buckingham palace and the London eye, stealing one another's kisses.

This was definitely an evening I couldn't forget as we stand in front of Emily's apartment.

"You sure you don't want me to drop you home?" he questions.

"Totally. I'll crash at Emily's and it will be a lot easier considering I won't have to get up as early as I'll be closer to uni" I inform him.

"so, when will I see you next?" he wonders with a wide smile plastered on his face.

I read up and place my lips onto his. My lips burn against his as they gently move in a smooth rhythm before I pull back and enter the building leaving him standing there in the middle of the night with nothing but a wink as goodbye.

I enter the lift with the biggest and brightest smile in my face, falling into the corner as the night replays in my head. I quickly collect myself before heading down the corridor and knocking on the door.



And just as I was about to knock again the door opens revelling a messy haired Emily who looks quite angry at waking her up.

"someone's here quite late, or should I say early?" she rubs her eyes allowing me in.

And so, I stand here at three thirty in the morning greeting her awkwardly after the most magical night.

"Hi" I wave gently with the biggest smile.

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