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"Right Mr. Clark living room seems to be going to plan" I update Emily as I walk into our office.

I had just come back from Kensington where one of our latest projects are underway.

Mr. Clark had just divorced his wife a couple of weeks ago and called us wanting to redesign his whole house.

A week of meetings later, we have come up with designs for every room. Nearly all walls will be covered in neutral colours bringing a minimalistic look to his home in the busy city.

"We have guys working in both the master bedroom and the kitchen and I've spoken to their boss, and he thinks that they'll start the four bathrooms and the living room in about two weeks"

"That's perfect. I sure Mr. Clark will be please. Great job" she praises me.

I walk round the desk and slump into my chair after rushing around allay. From Uni to client, I have just managed to sit down and enjoy my first cup of bittersweet coffee today.

I open my laptop as I flick through both work and Uni emails to keep up to date.

"So, what's going on with Luciano and this who holiday shabang?"

Emilys fiancé had planned a romantic trip away to Santorini for the weekend but that had all gone down the drain when she woke up to a text a day before the luxurious trip.

"Well, he just texted me that morning, that there was a family problem and that he had to leave right away, in the middle of the night" she seems down in the dumps about this whole situation.

I mean, who wouldn't be?

"I called him that lunch and he said that his youngest brother had been rushed to hospital and that he's in critical condition"

"Oh no" I gasp at the unexpected bomb that just landed in our office.

"Yeah, I know it suck but I can't be angry at him" she sights trying to focus on her computer and I can tell she doesn't wanna talk about it. "I'm just upset he didn't tell me before he left"

"It's a rough situation but there's not much that goes through your head when your youngest sibling is in that condition" I lead back into my chair and push myself away from the table "anyways I'm taking you out to dinner tomorrow to cheer you up"

"That's sweet but you don't have to and I'm really not up for it"

"Tough luck sugar tits, I'm getting you out your apartment whether you like it or not"

"Sugar tits? That's a new nickname" she laughs.

I wink at her as I pick up my bag "anyways I'll send you the details later. I'm heading off to Mias because it's been way to long since I've seen her" I sigh as I throw my heavy bag over my shoulder.

"Mhm, cause three days is a lifetime" she adds in her unwanted sarcasm.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you" she waves me off.

I make my way through the many offices and I make it over to the lift before pressing the ground floor.

The silver doors open to reveal the car park as I'm left to wonder to my car by myself.

⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑

"You selfish little bitch. All we do for you, and this is how you act! Fucking disgraceful!"

I had made a quick pit stop at home to change into something comfy and charge my laptop, but I hadn't expected for my tears to roll down my face like a waterfall.

"Stop crying you fat bitch" my father yell from the door.

I rush around my room looking for my big Louis Vuitton duffel bag. I shove a couple tops and bottoms alongside my toiletries.

I try to block out all the yelling, but it only grows louder when my mum decides to get involved.

And let me tell you it never ends well.

"Have you seen the disgusting girl you've raise" he throws his hands around "She's your problem, she's no daughter of mine!"

Who just stabbed Me?

Oh right, that would be my dad.


"Can you shut your fucking mouth the neighbour will hear"

I'm not surprised that's the first thing she said. She will do anything and everything to uphold our family image and reputation which no one cares about.

She would do anything in this world to make sure that everyone outside these four cold walls, won't see how broken we truly are.

She'll fake walking around with the brightest of smiles dazzling everyone. She'll show off everything she can just to make herself and us seem better than everyone else.

Now that's disgusting.

"Don't fucking speak to me like that you whore" he beings to smile to himself "hah like mother like daughter"

My heart feels like it's being ripped out and stomped all over.

I'm trapped in my room. Too scared to leave as the two adults stand there screaming their heads off.

"Do you know what?!" My mum practically laughed in his face "even if our daughter is fucking messed up don't turn this shit in me!" She loses her breath from screaming. "she's twenty and there's nothing in this world I can do to stop her being out the house all day"

"She's whoring herself round London! You're just going to let that happen? She's a fucking disgraceful to the Thornton name"

He makes it sound as if we are important. As if the average person knows who we are and that they're interested in our business.

News flash were just and super messed up but average family.

"Your-" my mother doesn't get to finish off her sentence as my father's hand swings around and hits her right across the face.

I step back as a squeak escape from me.

My mum faces me in disbelief of my father actions. It's the first time I've ever seen him hit her. I never believe he'd stoop that low but now I feel like he's unstoppable.

"Your fathers right, you're a selfish fucking bitch" she turns around and my dad chases after her in apologise.

Wow that hurt more than anything my dad could say. She was the one who's supposed to shield me from the big bad wolf but instead teamed up with him and killed me.

I run out of my room straight out the front door and to my car.

Tears stream down my face uncontrollably as pain seeps through my chest.

It's okay, it will be okay. I tell myself as I try to calm down enough to be able to drive.

Breath in. I hold it for a couple seconds before I exhale.

My body's shaking as I try to figure out what just happened. But I feel tired and drained from everything they have put me through.

Every parent he's a duty to keep their child head up and shower them with their unconditional love that makes them believe anything is possible. They're supposed to be there to help achieve you dreams and convince you nothing can hurt you.

Yet my parents hurt me. Not physically but mentally. They drained me of all my happiness and left me at rock bottom all by myself.

They left me to defend myself from not only the cruel world but also the monsters they had turned into.


Hey, just wondering what everyone is thinking of the new season and who do you think is going to win the championships? 

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