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"Any chance you've got a phone charger?" I call over from Emily's couch.

Luciano who is Emily's fiancé had made pasta and had invited me over for dinner. I kindly accepted the offer and joined them in their cosy apartment located in central London an d was super convenient for both of their jobs.

We were now just relaxing as I'm spread out on the white couch, which I have no idea how it's got on stains but currently I'm trying to get a bit of uni work done. Yep, that's exactly what I call relaxing.

Emily enters the room swiftly holding two full glasses of red wine and a phone charger which she plugs in for me.

"What do you fancy watching?" she asks as she picks up the remote to scroll through Netflix.

The tv sits above the long fireplace which was currently the only source of light. The glass coffee table held our wine glass and was enclosed with the comfy white sofa that could probably sit a small village. To the right the floor to ceiling windows displayed all the city lights and building.

This place was a complete dream and looks like heaven to me. I often catch myself looking out into the city thinking about how amazing it would be to live in the heart of London.

"Up to you" I continue to type on my computer trying to finish the thousand word essay.

One thousand three hundred words to go.

As ideas spew at me my figure find it hard to catch up. Many worders were underlined red noting my mistakes which I decide to finish the whole essay before I proofread and correct all my mistakes.

"So, tell me all about Monaco, I feel like I don't know anything that happen expect from your Instagram and boy do I love it" she turns on some music, letting it play in the background.

I feel like I should mention Instagram. I have two accounts: one main one with everyone I know and can follow. My second account is private and only my closest friends know about it. I post many things on there trying to make it aesthetic and everything.

So, you might ask why I have two Instagram's and why don't I post everything on one account. Well, that's because I lack confidence. At this rate if you have my private Instagram that means we are super close, and I don't care what part of me you see.

Sounds cray and all but that second Instagram is my pride and joy which I live by.

I tilt the lid of my computer down and take the glass of wine into my hands. I really shouldn't be trusted with it especially on a white sofa.

"It was amazing. Me and Mia had relaxing days by the beach or at the spa. We went shopping and Harry joined us on some trip to the clubs which were great yet awfully expensive and we had many great dinners"

"Wow that seems amazing, I'm so jealous especially of the good weather"

I laugh off her comment "yeah it was amazing, the last day her dads' yacht was ready to be used so we watch the formula one race from it which was incredible must I state"

"Sounds like you were living life" she smiles, and she listens to the highlight of my holidays. "It was well needed and deserved for you" her smile shows sympathy as she rubs my leg gently.

My phone starts pinning multiple types. Well, I guess my phone was finally charged. It had died earlier this morning after not charging it last night which was a big mistake. Somehow, I had managed to go the whole day without really needing it which was good but now I'm intrigued with what's happened.

I picked up my phone and slowly go through the many notifications that are displayed on the lock screen covering my background.

Many messages from Mia, some from my mum asking what time I'll be home and many more notifications from Instagram. But one message stands out the most. I smile slowly forms on my lips causing them to spread as I hover my figure above the notification ready to press on it.

"Oh, look at my baby girl smiling over a message from a boy" she teases.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. What makes you say that?" I stop and my smile fade as I try to convince her otherwise.

"That face says it all"

"Well, your judgment is wrong"

"Is it thought"

My smile grows again as I press on the notification and the message opens. I slowly shake my head causing her to squeal in excitement.

"Aww my baby girls growing up" he leans back with a wide smile "Tell. Me. Everything" s

She pronounces each word carefully making sure I don't miss a single piece of information.

"Wellll" I stretch out the word "I lost my phone at the formula one qualifying and when I went to the front desk to check if it had been handed in, I bumped into this guy who was just about to hand it in"

"You losing your phone constantly is starting to have its perks"

"But so many cons" I reminds her "Anyways as a thank you I took him out for dinner which he insisted on pay and then we went to the top of the hills in Monaco and watch the city form above as we talked. That went well and we met up on Sunday before we both left on Monday" I finish explaining

"what's his names?"

"Lando no-"

I'm cut off as she screams "I found him!" she was sat on her phone. "Oh. My. God. He's a formula one diver!" she screech's nearly causing my hear drums to pop.

My cheeks glow red lowly as I have the memories from Sunday night running through my head. The laughter, the smiles, the stories, and the kiss. It was the perfect way to end the trip.

Her heads still down as she scrolls through his Instagram, I'm guessing but that soon comes to an end as I snatch the phone out of her hand to take a look for myself.

His Instagram if filled with him from race. So many of them where from this weekend and apparently there was a once of livery which McLaren introduce for the Monaco race. The pictures of him smiling with his trophy was cute and flowed with more of him smiling from the victory.

"you've score one that's for sure" Emily adds in.

I gave back her phone before picking mine up and open the message.

Do the stars shine as bright in London as they do in Monaco?

Such a cute and short message bringing back the sweetest memories. My fingers dance on the keyboard before deleting the message. Dancing again they create a text and send it off.

'Care to join me and find out?'

I answer his question with another question as the three dots at the bottom of the screen imminently pop up as I wait for an answer.

'Pick a time and place and I'm yours'

'I'm yours' such simple word that I doubt he has no meaning behind his message, but the butterflies circle my heart, and a smile once again finds its place on my face.

"Right let's watch a movie and actually relax cause I feel like after today I need it"

"definitely" she agrees and pretty woman beings to play.

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