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We had made our way over to the couch again with a cup of piping hot tea in our hands. The news was on in the background as our chatter filled the room.

"So, what have you got planned for today?"

"Well, I had planned to go golfing with a few friends in an hour but I'm yours for the day now"

"What do you mean planned?" I ask as I kept my eyes ahead, reading the headlines.

"Well, I didn't expect you to have stayed over"

"So, I'm a burden" I tease

"Don't you dare put words in my mouth" he says sassily causing me to nearly choak on the sip I just took.

I lean forward trying to get over my coughing fit as I continue to laugh.

"Remind me to never be funny ever again cause otherwise I'll end up in prison with a criminal record saying 'Lando Norris, male, killed Audelia Thornton, female, because he's to funny'" he chuckles at himself.

I swat his arm trying to calm down.

"Well, I'll get out your hair and you can go to golfing with your buddies"

"No, I'm not going to kick out a guest, especially not you"

Especially not you

"Right well then I'll stay here and watch a movie" I offer.

"I'm not leaving guest alone Audelia, that's rude. You're coming with us"

"Haha very funny" I say sarcastically "I think your comedian era has ended"

"Well at least I won't be going to prison" he takes his last sip before placing the mug on the table. "we'll be leaving in an hour"

"I don't know the first thing about golf Lando" I state the obvious

"I'll teach you" he says as if it's that simple.

Maybe it is. I mean how hard can it really be. You hit the ball with a stick.


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Wow I really underestimated the talent golfers have.

I swung at the ball at least three times now and it goes in the completely different direction. Seriously ball, can you not see the whole. Help me out and don't embarrass me.

I line myself up for my fourth attempt, and the final one I'm willing to take. I look between the whole and ball before swinging at it.

For fucks sake.

"I give up" I turn back around facing Lando, Max and a couple of their friend I had just met.

"Let me help you out" Lando offers "one more try"

With a single nod I take one final ball and line myself up.

"Try this club instead, it might be easier for you to used"

I take the club and reline myself back up whilst Lando places the other club back into the bag.

"Right" he sighs and comes up from behind.

His hands glid over my body as they reach over to the club. My breath stops as my heart begins to race. His hands make their way over mine and relax as he being to explain the swing.

Why can't I concentrate. My body is alive and focusing on every point his body touches mine. His words travel over my head and by body is burning at one thousand degrees.


Shit, no. What was he talking about before.

"Yep" I let out quietly.

He guided my arms up as the club now lies above my head. At the speed of lighting, it drops back down hitting the ball causing it to soar across the field, as his body moves with mine.

Our eyes follow the ball as we stand back up straight. My eyes might be focused on the ball, but my minds focused on his where his hand now lie on my hips.

Sparks travelled to my stomach causing butterflies to erupt. Suddenly disappearing as he twists me around and cheering me on about the great shot, which landed only a couple meters from the whole.

"That was amazing" he picks me up spinning me around "you could become a pro"

"Right no need to exaggerate now"

I make my way back over to the group "well done you got there eventually" Max's responses earn him and eye roll.

I high five the guys as be sitting back in the cart and drive over to the next whole.

Max comes up to us as soon as the cart stops.

"So, I'm planning on streaming on twitch for a bit and I'm just wondering if you're okay with the camera" I look at Lando a bit confused

"He has like three k subscribers and he think he's famous" he states.

"Well actually I have fifty k, but who's counting, right?" he glares at Lando.

Woah, fifty thousand people is a lot of people. It's a lot more than I expected.

"Well, I'd rather not be in it, but I don't mind you streaming. It's just that it's a lot of people and I don't want any rumours or anything" I explain feeling guilty.

"No, it's absolutely understandable, I promise you won't be in it"

With only one whole left and Max complaining that his phone is about to die I line myself up for the final time and I count wait for this to be over.

My swings have picked up speed from my first few attempts and the ball had finally began going in the correct direction and quite close to the whole.

I had surprising made it close to the whole as cheers erupt all around me.

"I did it! Look how close it is!" I cheer with the rest of them.

Lando comes up to me and leans in "I knew you could do it love" he whispers in my ear.


Woah, woah, woah hold the horse, where did love come from. Actually, I don't care where it came from, I just hope it stays here. My body lights up as I try play it cool as if it didn't affect me.

"I'll take that now" he grips onto the club I'm holding.

"No way! This is my luck club"

He stands there looking at me quite amused. "Is that so?" he tugs on it.

"yes" I sate factly and pull back quickly causing me to stumble back nearly hitting my back on the cart.

"Fine I'll show you that a pro can win with any" he chooses the next best club and makes his way over.

I take a seat and look around whilst Lando lines up. I can hear Max couple of feet away answering question from the stream with his friends.

"See that was close enough" I look back at the course where the ball had landed.

"Well done but still not good as me" I tease him.

"I don't think so miss" he picks me up from the driver's seat and walk round the front.

"You know I can walk" I frown.

"Then tell me why I have a feeling you were going to refuse"

I smirk knowing he was right on point.

"Right, I'm going to go tell Max we're going to head back now if that okay"

With an agreement, his off to say goodbye and I give the rest of them a wave from afar and a cheesy smile.

"You know you're not as good as you say you are at golf" I sate.

"How dare you insult my skills" he acts all affected making me laugh.

"Sorry just had to state that you are so overrated" 

Monte CarloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon