Princess treatment

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We had spent the whole day cuddle up in bed talking each other ears off and ordering enough room service to feed a small village. Nothing but laughter had filler the room for hours today as her forest eyes had cast me under a spell.

I was currently in the walking wardrobe where my suitcase laid opened overflowing will clothes, on top of the island. I dig through the clothes on a hunt for my blue swimming trunks.

Me and Audelia  where about to go to the roof top for an evening swim. The sun was about to set and it the most perfect time.

I walk back into the kitchen to refresh myself with a capri sun when Lia walks in.

My mind takes a mental note of all her curves and the way her boobs sit perfectly. Her tanned skin contrasts to the electric blue bikini perfectly.

"Do I look okay?" She asks quietly and it's only then do I realise I'm staring at her.

"Absolutely divine" I send her a smile. "I didn't know we were gonna match today"

My hand reaches down as I adjust myself in my pants before I walking our behind the island and showing her the way.

We make it to the roof top where the sky is filled with pinks, yellows and oranges as the sun sets. The colours bleed into each other creating the perfect view.

"Come on get in" I shout right before I jump in.

The water surrounds me instantly cooling me down. It feels so refreshing especially after spending the whole day inside.

I swim over to the edge where Lia has her feel dipped in whilst sitting in the edge.

"It's freezing" she complains.

"It's refreshing" I correct her as I place my hands on both of her thighs.

She tilts her head at me as if I'm speaking a different language.

I push myself up out of the pool besides he. Water dripping down me as she stands up beside me.

"If you don't get in the pool yourself I guess I will have to do so thing about it"

"Don't you dare" she says holding her hand up and stepping back.

I take a slow step forward my face lighting up with the idea of pushing her in.

My steps speed up as I begin to slowly jog toward her,  careful of how slippery it is. With in no time I wrap my hands around her waist as we spin around.

"Stop" she giggles. "Please don't"' she continues to half scream half laugh.

"Too late, you should have gotten in yourself then" I move closer to the pool edge.

"One" I begin the count down. "Two. Three!"  I launch us both into the pool as the water surrounds us both.

"I hate you"  was the first thing I heard when I emerged from the surface and I got splashed in the face instantly.

"You love me too much to hate me" I swim over to her.

"You wish" she laughs as she brushes her hair back.

"So if I were to kiss you right now, what would you do ? Push me away? Cause obviously you hate me"

"I don't know what I would do. I think we might have to try it out"

And with that I push my lips against her. My hands on her waist as we both greedily explore each others mouths. My tongue grazes her as my entire body sparks with lust. 

My hands glide over her soft skin, tracing every curve and appreciating her beauty. Her legs wrap around me as she pushed her body into mine.

"What are you doing to me?" I say in between kisses that are just as addicting as cocaine.

She was my cocaine. Something I couldn't live without anymore, something I realise on and something that makes me happy.


My heart is racing as my body mould into his. His lips drive me insane and I just can't seem to get enough.

I'm pushed up against the pool edge as his strong arms cage me in. It's like I dream I never thought would come true. Something I would wish upon a star for.

Wait, what am I trying to say ?

That I would wish upon a star for him? If you asked me a couple days ago then I would of said no. But if you asked me from yesterday I would say yes.

Cause he's every girls dream. He treats you like a princess straight out of a Disney movies, but when it's moments like these he's an absolute hungry devil that seemed to be starved for days.

"Bedroom?" I manage to let  out the smallest of whispers and within seconds his arms are under my ass pulling us out of the pool and taking up back into the master bedroom.

I run my fingers through his velvet hair as he devours my neck. His soft lips push against me showing me just how much he wants to worship me tonight.

I'm dropped onto the bed and a shriek escapes from surprise. He crawls on top of me and stops when we make direct eye contact.

"Hi" I laugh lowly and cover my face.

"Don't get all shy on me now, I wanna show you exactly what you mean to me"

He makes his way back down, as his hands trace over every imperfection from my top all the way to my bikini bottoms. He slowly pulls them down my legs, teasing me and leaving me completely frustrated by his speed.

"Look how wet you are for me" he draws two fingered over my wet pussy that's waiting for him.

He leans in and his burning touch meets my cunt. He guides me into paradise with every swirl and flick of a tongue. He's good. More than good.

He's the devil himself leading a corrupted princess like me straight to hell.

"Lan-" I can't even finish his name as the strength of the orgasm hits. Like a firework show, all my senses heighten and my back arches.

"Hold still, I'm not done princess"

His names falls of my lips again like a song. This is exactly what I needed, he's exactly what I need.

"You are not ready for the long night ahead princess" and his tongue hits my clit again

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