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"Audilia" my head snaps up from my phone as I head towards the waiter whose standing there with three massive brown bags of food that I had orders.

"Thank you, have a lovely evening" I direct it at the waiter who's on the other side of the bar, ready to serve the next costumer.

"You too, ma'am" he smiles over, and I head out the door making my way over to my car.

Struggling to open the back door due to the three big bags of food I carefully put them down on the car roof before placing them on the seat, making sure they are secure.

I hop into the driver's seat and connect my phone to the car. 'apocalypse' by cigarettes after sex fills the car as I re-type the address onto google maps.

Due to the Canadian grand prix being cancelled this season all the drivers had made their way home for a two-week break before the French race.

With only twenty minutes left of the journey, I had quickly texted Lando letting him know I'll be there soon. I should actually clarify that Siri in reality texted him due to how dangerous it is using your phone whilst driving.

We had continued texting nearly every day since Monaco. twenty-one days to be precise, and it was one of the highlights of my day. Always managing to bring a smile to my face.

My white Audi rs4 rolls down the neighbourhood and made me instantly feel out of place. I had worked extremely hard to afford my car and after two years at working with sparks interiors I had splashed out a bit and upgraded from my A1. Yet the houses were massive and seemed to be leaning in and intimidating the road.

I pull up to the black metal gate and turn down the music as well as shoot a quick text asking Lando to open the gate.

They slowly open revealing the bottom of the house. It was smaller than all the other ones in the neighbourhood but still a lot bigger than mine. Yet it seemed a lot more welcoming and really cute.

I park besides the mini cooper and turn off the engine and to my surprise he opens the car door and held his hand out.

What a gentleman.

"Hey, it's great to see you again" I take his hand as we greet each other with a hug. His sent instantly filling be with life.

"Same to you"

"I have food in the back for us" I open the back door and take each bag out one by one placing it on the roof.

"Got a bit carried away with the order?" he chuckles.

"You could say that, or you could also say that ..." I stop for a min thinking of what to add "or you could say that I have enough food for us for the next few days"

"Uhm sounds like somebody is going to be staying over for a while" he takes two of the bags into his arms.

"You wish" I playfully elbow him and take lead into the house.

Entering his house, I realised how bright it was. All the lights were on and reflecting off the white walls. It was a bit of a shock coming in from the darkness of the night.

I wipe my shoes on the mat before sliding them off and letting Lando lead me into his kitchen.

The house was very modern. Mostly white and grey with hinds of clothes and rubbish all around. Many suitcases were found in every room I've been in so far but what can you expect when you travel for work nearly every week.

"I'm starving" I state as I take a seat at the bar stool.

"Same the food smells amazing" he places a few plates onto the kitchen island ready for dinner.

I take the food out the bag and spread it in front of us as the smell fills the room when I open the boxes revealing the cuisine.

"So, anything new this week?" I ask as if we don't text nearly every day.

"Well actually..." he waits to finish his bite of the food before continuing. "I was looking at some places in Monaco, just poking my nose into different apartments online and talking to agents"

Interesting. I won't lie by saying I won't miss him if he does end up eventually moving to Monaco. Even after just a month of knowing each other, I love spending time with him even if it's rare.

"Ooo that would be a nice new time of environment" it was true. Monaco was one the nicest places I have had the pleasure of visited and I wouldn't mind living there myself if it wasn't for the crazy rich price tags attached to everything.

Like who's willing to pay seven euros for a coffee. Not me that's for sure.

"Yeah, I have quite a few friends out there already and pulse the weather is good like ninety percent of the time. You know Daniel lives there" he takes another bite.

"Oh really? I though he lived in Australia" and my only theory to that was because of his Australian accent.

"He has a house there as well but he splits himself between places. There is no point of him going back to Aussie if his racing in France one weekend and then Italy the next"

My laughter takes over me out of know where.

"What?" he binging's to chuckles as my laugh becomes affective

"You said Aussie" the immature six in me is dying of laughter

"what's so funny about that?" he still laughs along slightly with the most puzzled face I've ever seen.

"honestly" I stop to catch my breath between laughing "I have no idea"

I takes me a good couple of minutes to calm down and by the time I have settled down we had finished dinner which was very nice.                                 

We had me our way over to the sofa to watch a movie. It had only turned eight in the evening, so I had about two hours before heading home to get ready for work tomorrow.

"Ooo, can we watch spiderman" I ask as we scroll through Netflix.

"Right, this is a serious question, and we will seriously fall out if you answer it wrong" he turns to face me "who's the best spider man: Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland?"                                                                                                                          

My hart was pounding thinking he was about to be give me the hardest question possible but when he asks me who the best spider man is I practical laugh in his face.

"That's easy, Andrew Garfield"

With a smile on his face, he nods and turns back to the tv where he types in spider man and clicks on the first Andrew Garfield movie.

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