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"Can we please take a minute to relax" Mia moans "It's too early for this"

I got home pretty late last night, considering we have a flight back at eight am today. However, when I got home at one thirty am, Mia wasn't at home, which came as a shock to me.

Thomas was sat on the sofa furious at the both of us for being out so late and without telling him. But I smoothly talked him over and I was off the hook. However, Mia was dead meat.

When she had finally decided to show her face at three am, Thomas had lost his mind. Of course, I stayed up to watch the show, well I tried to. I feel asleep on the sofa but, I was woken up with the slamming of a door as soon as Mia got home.

Mia was heavily under the influence of alcohol and was blaming it all on Harry yet that didn't matter to Thomas considering she was getting all the blame. He was so mad he was shouting at her for at least twenty minutes, waking up all the residents, followed by a half an hour lecture.

Yeah, I didn't listen to the lecture. I had better thing to do, like sleep. I headed to bed only to we woken up after, with the door slamming thanks to Mia. Again.

However, it was my door that was slammed, and she come in to sleep in my bed which was super frustrating. She took all the covers during the early morning and didn't even let me sleep for the first hour as she was explained something about her and Harry that made absolutely no sense.

I tried to zone her out but it's not easy when she kept shaking me awake and tell me she had crucial information, which was a lie. I had to deal with useless words that were jumbled together.

With a total of one hour's worth of sleep we were all super cranky and tiered. Its seven in the morning and we're packing our bags into the car ready to leave this beautiful city.

"Mia" Thomas lets out a breath "if you don't shut up you can walk home"

Thomas was not someone you would want to get on the bad side, especially today.

"Well actually I would have to swim across the ocean first" Mia mumbles with no care in the world.

"Mia! Car. Now!" and I'm pretty sure he's woken the whole city up now.

With mumbles of alright she takes a seat in the back of the car as I preoccupied the front which I kind of regret in fear of Thomas today. Note to self: keep out his way and don't do anything stupid.


Not a single peep was heard as we drove to the airport but I'm guessing that's what everyone needed after last night and everyone current mood.

The car was left at the airport ready to be taken back to the apartment garage and our suitcases are being rolled across the concrete causing a racquet as we try to reach the entrance of the airport.

"Double check you have everything" Thomas states and all I really check for is my phone and passport which also held my ticket inside.

With that, we pass security and head straight to the gate were we only had to wait for ten minutes before we board the plane and are guided towards first class.

I take my seat by the window and slide the hood of my jumper up and play music through my headphones, to distract myself from the busy morning around me.

This flight from Nice to London Stansted was only an hour long thankfully and I would soon be sleeping in my bed.

As the plane engine starts up and the doors are shut, we are soon taking off and the plane gets lost withing the white fluffy clouds and the perfectly blue sky.

Monte CarloΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα