Race day - AUSTRIA

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Lando Norris Pov:

The second race in Austria this season. With a decent scoring last weekend, I find myself in the same position today, hungry for a better result.

The crew run off the track and back into the garage. I shut my visor and look up towards the glowing red lights ready for them to go off. My gloves grip tight on the wheel as adrenalin begins to surge through my body.

Five lights out and my foot hits the throttle launching me forward. With a decent launch I try weaving in and out the cars besides me and race to the first corner.

From a great result last weekend, I was able to analyse all my mistakes and turn them into success today. I focus on pushing myself, monitoring the tyres and fuel lap by lap.

"Hit the pit confirm button and come in after this lap" Will says on the radio causing me to hit the orange button.

My car slows down as I enter the pit. The crew secure a new set of hard compound tyres in two point two seconds sending me back off onto the track.

My heads back in the game as I focus on each corner trying to gain as much time as possible.

Lewis Hamilton creeps upon me, inching closer and closer trying to make the undercut. Failing I open DRS and was able to gain half a second by the end.

"Right Lando, p3 final push. No need to save fuel or tyre, just keep focused and bring back a podium"

My foot lays heavy on the pedals. I look to the side where the mirrors alert me that Hamilton is still lurking close behind me.

Come on Lando. I cheer myself on. Only two lap to go. You can do this.

Full focus as usual I push forward in desperation for another podium.

"Well done Lando that's p3, well done!" Will yells through the radio with faint cheers behind him.

"Fuck yes baby. We did it!" I cheer in the car as I begin to slow down.

My hearts racing from the adrenalin from the race and the achievement.

I park the car in front of the sign which is reserved for third place and climb out onto the front. I raise my hands above my head with the brightest smile on my face that is hidden by my helmet.

I jump off and run over to my team who are kept back by the gate. I jump into their arms as everyone hugs and pats my helmet in congratulations. I am fairly sure I have a mild concussion, but I would not have it any other way.

After the quick celebration I head back over to where the podium finishers get interview before the champagne is sprayed.

"Wow Lando that was truly an amazing race" the sky interviews sounds stunned.

"Yeah, I supper happy with today's results and I hope we can keep this up for the rest of the season"

"What was different from last weekend then?"

"Well, that's a McLaren secret" I joke "no, I just focused on all the data from last weekend and managed to gain the time I was losing last race"

"Well, I hope we will see a lot more of you on the podium and we wish you luck. Now go and have fun on the podium and enjoy the rest of your celebrations" he sends me off.

After the podium celebrations I had a long afternoon with all the interviews. The same boring questions drained me out and I couldn't wait to go to bed this evening.

I had one more left and after that I could head to the McLaren garage and have a massage to relax my muscles after today's strays.

"Wow what a result that was" one of the journalists say.

"Yeah, you could say that" I chuckle tiredly.

"How do you feel after that?"

Oh god, how original. Not to be rude or anything I could probably predict the next question. "I feel epic. I'm super happy with today's result and after last weekend I wanted to push myself further and get better results, which I achieved"

"How do you feel about the five second penalty you had to overcome?"

"uhm" I take a moment "yeah, I guess it was really harsh and if I hadn't received it, I could have been second. I think that it was really stupid, we were just racing. He tried to go around the outside with was stupid, but I guess I should still be happy with today's results. I scored some great point for the team so not too many complaints."

"Anyway, well done again and I'll let you go"

"Thank you" I nod and charlotte ushers me away and back toward the paddock.

"Right only the massage to go and then you can be on your way back to the hotel" she informs we.

"Sounds perfect. I am so tired after today"

"Well, you've raced perfectly and I'm proud of you"

⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑ ⚐ ⚑

I was laying down on the leather bed where I was getting a massage. A much needed one may I add.

I phone rings right besides my head causing me to jump out at the loud ringing.

I honestly didn't have the strength to talk right now. I pat besides my head reaching for my phone when Audelia's name lights up on the screen.

I press the big green button and answer her face time call.

I don't think I would ever be too tried to talk to her.

"Heya, how's my champ" she beams through the camera as she makes her way to her bedroom.

"Better now that you've called" my head hangs of the leather bed so that she could see me.

"Oh, is that so?" she teases.

God she so cute. She had her hoodie on and look like she'd been studying for hours. Her glasses hung on her face as her hair was thrown up in a messy bun.

Her skin was glowing from the lights as her tired eyes pierce into mine. "What are you doing?" he questions me curiously.

"Getting a massage after today's well deserved race I would say"

"ahhh" she sighs "the stuff I would do for a massage right now. I've been hunched over my books for the past four hours" she lifts her phone above her head and shows me her books spread out all over the bed.

"Looks like my favourite book worms been busy"

"You could say that. I can't wait to snuggly into bed in a few and watch a movie"

"I'm fairly sure you'd fall asleep straight away. You look so tired that you can barely keep your eyes open"

"I'll be fine Lando I just need abit of down time to relax" she adds as she begins to move the books from her bed over to her chester draws.

"Lia, I think you should just go to sleep. It's like what..." I look over to the clock and work out the time difference "nearly midnight in the Uk anyway"

"Maybe" she knows I'm right she just doesn't want to agree.

She lifts her covers and curls under wrapping herself up. Her glasses have been placed gently on the bedside table and her head hits the pillow.

"When's your flight back home?"

"I'm flighting out tomorrow at Lunch and heading straight to Bristol to see my family for a few days" I inform her "I was thinking maybe I can come down to see you before the next race or you can come to mine?" I offer

"Well last time I came to yours I missed the most important meeting of my career so I think you should come up this time" her eyes were now shut, and she was already drifting into slumber.

"You that sounds good. Ill text you tomorrow sweetheart. You need your beauty sleep"

"Goodnight" her words barely leave her mouth.

"Goodnight" I wait a few seconds before hitting the red button.

I don't know since when or how, but my heart seems to be beating fast when I talk to this girl than when I achieve a podium.

God, I'm head over heels for her already. 

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