chapter 18

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Liu Qiao slowly fluttered his eyes open tired  he looked around and saw that he was in the hospital room.

He could hear the beeping sound on the heart monitor he turned his head and saw Cheng Tao siting with his head down as if his thinking.

Liu Qiao turned around having his back faced Cheng Tao touch his stomach he couldn't feel his baby.

The beeping sound on the monitor started to speed up Cheng Tao sit up.

"My baby"

Cheng Tao went silent,

"Where is my baby?" He asked

"I'm sorry" Cheng Tao said

Liu Qiao flew up when he heard those words.

"ARE YOU?! I just lost another one another one has been taken" Liu Qiao yelled in pain "just when things got better it turns out worse 4 miscarriages FOUR of them cause by you people" Liu Qiao cried.

Liu Qiao was shaking like a new born baby he was scared but he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Why am suffering why do this to me?!" He held his head down "please just kill me I can't stand this life anymore kill me"

Liu Qiao got up and went to the table next to his bed where a pen was and grab it Cheng Tao immediately grabbed his hand.

Liu Qiao tried to struggle out his grip but Cheng Tao was a lot stronger that him.

Cheng Tao embrace Liu Qiao and twist the pen out his hand Liu Qiao fought to be free but Cheng Tao just hug him while hushing him.

"It's okay its okay his gone but not forgotten" Cheng Tao said

"My baby is gone?" Liu Qiao cried

"I know"

"I can't get him back"

"I know"

"You'll leave me"

"I won't"

"Your lying"

"I'm not"

"Is it going to be okay?" Liu Qiao asked.

"It won't not for a while or maybe not ever but I'm here"

Liu Qiao cried more Cheng Tao brush his hair as Liu Qiao cried himself to exhaustion Cheng Tao picked his phone back up.

He then draws back the screen what he saw was ling hui pushing down Liu Qiao off the stairs then ran out the house as if she'd done nothing wrong.

Cheng Tao could go kill her now but Liu Qiao would be the main suspect so, Cheng Tao dialed an number.

"I need you to do a little something for me"

Liu Qiao could heard small pitter patter in the room he got up and look down and saw a cute chubby face boy he smiled.

"Luv you Mama"

"I love you too"

"I'm going to go now" the chubby face child said

"Huh? Going were?"

"With the others I'm going away" the child said

"Ah, baby don't go mama needs you"

"But I must go"

"Stay with me please don't go"

"But I have to go I can't stay"

The child turned around looking at the others then ran to them tears soon fall down his eyes as he cried.

"Goodbye" he sadly sad

I'm Sorry Liu Qiao [Bl]Where stories live. Discover now