chapter 35

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Liu Qiao eyes widen as his pupils strunk his mouth gaped open.

"Cheng Tao?"

Liu Qiao was shocked was this a joke.

"Tao, I-it's me Liu Qiao"

Cheng Tao gave him an empty look, looking away blankly.

"Liu Qiao?"

That name came out as if it was foriegn to him, Liu Qiao felt his heart pained he wanted to scream but he couldn't.

The doctor came in,

"Sir I'm gonna ask to leave"

"Wait.... but-"

"Sir please make it easy"

Liu Qiao looked at Cheng Tao with eyes full, why did fate hate him so much.

Liu Qiao gently touched Cheng Tao's leg causing him to flinch he then get to leave reluctantly.


The doctor and Liu Qiao turned around, Cheng Tao hold his head for a second then his sharp eyes softened he turned to Liu Qiao, his mouth gently arch itself up into a soft relaxing smiled.

Liu Qiao felt tears stinged his eyelashes soon it couldn't take anymore and tears gently falls.


Cheng Tao opens his arms to accept Liu Qiao, Liu Qiao ran into his arms then bury his face within his chest and cried, Liu Qiao clutches on to Cheng Tao's clothes tightly.

"Cheng, Cheng"

Cheng Tao gently pat Liu Qiao's back as he felt his shirt becomes with with Liu Qiao's tears.

Liu Qiao could hear Cheng Tao's heart beating he could feel his warm embrace.

'His alright, his awake'

After a while Liu Qiao settled down and looked a Cheng Tao.

"I-I got our daughter.... wait...our daughter!"

Liu Qiao ran out the room to look for LiHui who was with a nurse who was trying to settle her down, she's trying to feed LiHui but the baby doesn't want it she just kept throwing a tantrum.

"It's okay I'll hush her"

Liu Qiao took her trying to calm her down he was nervous, LiHui's face was so red it looked swollen.

"Calm down, dad's awake you can't let him see you like this your a good girl right" Liu Qiao hummed to her,

Soon after she started calming down accepting the bottle, Liu Qiao could only pity the baby.

Soon he started to walk back to the hospital room seeing Cheng Tao smiling at him.

Liu Qiao walked into the room with LiHui, Cheng Tao looked at the baby who was sucking the bottle and smiled

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Liu Qiao walked into the room with LiHui, Cheng Tao looked at the baby who was sucking the bottle and smiled.

"She has grown so big" Cheng Tao said

"Yes, she was very small and fragile she still is but it's nice to know she's growing"


Cheng Tao looked around the hospital observing.

"How long was I unconscious?"

Liu Qiao looked at him and frowns.

"A month"


Cheng Tao observed Liu Qiao he really lost so much weight, he must have been really stressed out.

"A month.... I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault it's mine, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want her to have a mother who abused alchohol I wanted her to have nice memories with us, but you needed to get through the grief first and your constant drinking and smoking was only feeding the depression, I don't want you to hurt anymore Liu Qiao you've suffered and endured enough" Cheng Tao said with an solemn stern expression.

Liu Qiao felt all the more guilty he couldn't even look Cheng Tao in the eyes right now he was ashamed.

While Cheng Tao was trying to help him he took it as him(CT) trying to control him(LQ), when infact he was only thinking of ways to make it better, Liu Qiao was over come with grief he couldn't see clearer.

"Cheng Tao I'm sorry" Liu Qiao said with voice trembling.

"It's not your fault, you were grief stricken you needed to let loose with that anger but next time please not in the car" Cheng Tao chuckled.

Liu Qiao let out an awkward chuckle.

"Do you want to hold her?" Liu Qiao asked

Cheng Tao nods then open his arms, Liu Qiao gently passes the baby to him.

Cheng Tao accepted the baby then smiled as she was beautiful he raised the baby up giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek which was something he had usual done when she was first out yue incubator.

The baby giggled.

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