chapter 45

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"Schizophrenia? How can he be schizophrenic?" 

"Mr. Cheng there are many things to consider when dealing with such a fragile topic, this morning he woke up screaming at the nurses calling a name while fighting and scratching he almost attacked a nurse with a scalpel his thought process seems to be a bit mumbled. Had to sedate him for him to calm down." 

Cheng Tao eased back, he looked at the unconscious Liu Qiao on the bed. Maybe it's because everything had finally broken down on him and his mind finally collapsed, unable to differentiate between reality and an illusion. 

"Also we may need you to pay some medical fees" 

"For the man"

"Yes, I can also recommend you to a good psychiatrist, she may be able to help with his case" the doctor suggested.

Cheng Tao took the business card and nodded. He went over to look at Liu Qiao. He slowly sat at the side of the bed and Liu Qiao's eyes slowly opened. He was calm surprisingly or maybe because he was put under a relaxing drug to calm him. He looked into the eyes of Liu Qiao who was terrified.

Cheng Tao breathes, he then remembers back to when he was first reincarnated here, he remembered how Liu Qiao reminded him of his mother and just like his mom he tried to end the pain through separation of life. 

Maybe just maybe he could do it again, but this time back at phase 1. He gently moved his hand closer to Liu Qiao who began to panic and tried to fight. He shut his eyes as the hand came in closer.

"I'm sorry Liu Qiao" 

A gently touch and a sincere apology, he opened his eyes slowly, looking at Cheng Tao's tearful expression as silence filled the room.

This was Cheng Tao's last turn and more than anyone, he knows it. 








A month later Liu Qiao was discharged from the hospital, he hadn't spoken to Cheng Tao since he barely spoke to anyone since then. Cheng Tao moved places again to a place of natural environment where they could find more peace on what to do. 

Liu Qiao walked around the spacious living room, staring. 

"Outside the balcony you can see the ocean" 

Liu Qiao looked at him, he also looked at Li Hui. Liu Qiao didn't want to fight anymore. What's the point? Let them do as they please and it all will be over in the end.

"I've arranged some things, you will be sharing the same room as me okay?" 

Liu Qiao didn't answer, even if he did answer, Cheng Tao would slap him either way. 

"Do you hear me?" He asked slowly 

Liu Qiao was unresponsive, Cheng Tao could only sighed. He looked at Li Hui who started crying. He should have checked her diapers, but it wasn’t poo. She was stretching for Liu Qiao who was unresponsive. 

Liu Qiao stood there staring, he didn't want to move, he didn't want to do anything. 

Cheng Tao tried to hush her, as she cried over his shoulder. This went on for some time until she got tired falling asleep, he went to cook something so Liu Qiao could take some meds.

Right now, Liu Qiao is only a shell of himself. He tried to get a psychiatrist but he was unresponsive and uninterested. He left the pot for a second to find Liu Qiao lying on the sofa in the room, Liu Qiao was slim to the point touching would feel as though you ate breaking him. He is not eating much, and slept for most parts of the day.

His first goal is to at least get three sentences out of him a day. Right now Liu Qiao is not responding to anyone even the friend he made, not even the other one who was pregnant. If he doesn't take the pills on time Liu Qiao's state becomes unstable, but he can't say this state is necessarily stable if all he does is sleep and stay still.

Cheng Tao went back to the kitchen, worried doesn't even cover the feelings he is having now. Help him, that's all has been going through his mind, help him, save him. 

Even if there is only a small chance, help him. Just don't let him drown in his own sorrows and misery.

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