chapter 44

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Listen to "somewhere only we know" slow female version

They say at the end of every tunnel there is light, but why was his tunnel so dark, dampened and cold. Why it's that every time the light shines in it was only a cray between the walls that was bound to cover up once more. 

In life he only wanted one thing, a family. But each time he stretched for it to reach that goal something kicked him back and laughed in his face. A reminiscence of his life flashes before his eyes the times when he was actually a smiling child. Loving parents, friends, school and someone whom he thought he wasn't. 

But the day he lost his parents this painful relationship crashed in, his be harassed, beaten violate and raped. This ongoing cycle of torture was it worth living? Touching his belly Liu Qiao felt nothing, placing his foot against the cold floor Liu Qiao didn't react.

Dragging the iv and monitor from his arms he walked to the bathroom, there were no bathroom tubs and not much spark objects. Going back to the room that was filled with the irritating beeping sound of the heart monitor, he walked out the room holding his head that felt light. He was in so much pain and it was very difficult to walk, as he looked down he could feel his blood dripping down his arm. 

He sat back on the bed, his heart feeling too overwhelmed by everything and everyone, the long beep echoed through his head before he walked out the quiet section. Heading to the roof, he could hear the nurses and doctors running towards his room but ultimately he hid from them. He closed the roof door blocking it, he walked to the edge and looked over. 

There was a slight fear in his chest, it felt something holding him back. He remembers his memories of middle school, the memories with his father and his mother. He wished he could embrace them and all he needs to do is jump right?

"Mama, Papa…. I miss you" 

Tears fell from his eyes as his entire body trembled, he closed his eyes as he remembered a distant memory, somewhere, other from here. He closed his eyes remembering the blissful memories. It was just a simple Friday he invited Cheng Tao over, his mother was clipping pictures from the newspapers to add to her scrapbook as his dad cooked in the kitchen. 

Cheng Tao came over, he was so nervous and awkward he barely knew how to speak properly. And he remembered how flustered he got when his father asked if this was his boyfriend, he could remember Cheng Tao's bashful expression as he looked away shyly.

To get rid of the tension in the air, his mom offered to go on a camping trip that Saturday. He remembers Cheng Tao going to buy beverages as he and his dad cooks, his mother was a good cook but she always felt uninterested but that day she went and baked a simple cake. It was a simple memory but it was something special and that picnic was ever more special, as they went into the hills in a nice shady spot. 

It was the place where they went swimming in the lake and racing to see who was the fastest swimmer. He remembers Cheng Tao trying to grip a fish in his mouth like a bear but ended up looking stupid as the fish was slippery and raw. He remembers that night they had marshmallows and smores, his mom burned all her marshmallows so all of them decided to share they're. 

He remembers the night ended with all of them embracing under the tent like one big family. Liu Qiao looks down from the high place, "why can't I…… why can't he be like before…. Please take me back to that night! Please" 

Lius flowed painfully down his cheeks as he Sniffed the snot from his nose. If he took this step maybe could see his parents again and go to a place only they know, somewhere simple somewhere it doesn't hurt anymore.  And if he took this step, he could go to that place.

Just as he took that step ready to fall, "STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" 

The person grabbed him at the waist before he could fall, feeling the pressure around the waist Liu Qiao's body panicked. "LET GO!! LET GO!! DON'T DO IT, DON'T TOUCH ME!!" 

Liu Qiao kicked and screamed until the guy threw over to the safe side where Liu Qiao immediately grabbed a broom from the corner, then began to hit the other guy aggressively. "Stay away! STAY AWAY!! ENOUGH!!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH"

"STOP!! STOP!! STOP!!"  

The broom broke as the guy laid on the ground shield himself, Liu Qiao turned it into the broken area ready to stab him when the door burst opened and the nurse was ready to restrain him. He began to swing the stick after them as the memories of the others did, replayed through his mind. 

He could see them approaching him, he could hear Li Hui cries, he could see them. "Don't hurt her" 

His body felt dizzy as the world kept turning, he couldn't let them hurt him anymore. "Don't—" 


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