chapter 33

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Liu Qiao was in the daycare class.

All the mother were with their babies both Male and female alike.

"Now as a mother, you should always try to bond with your baby now look at them and tell me what you see"

"Now as a mother, you should always try to bond with your baby now look at them and tell me what you see"

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Liu Qiao felt strange what was he supposed see, the teacher looked at him them smiled.

"Liu Qiao? Please tell me what do you see?"

An awkward sweat falls down his cheek.

"Um, big eyes" he answered

The room fell into an awkward silence then the teacher and many other followed.

"She does have lovely eyes doesn't she" the teacher gest

The other mothers nod in agreement LiHui was the most beautiful and cutest baby here but the mother was on the awkward side therefore the mothers felt that the mother and daughter pair was a bit cute.

"Really Liu Qiao is that all you see"

One of the mother's said this was Chao Niu, he was not happy with Liu Qiao arrival after all ever since he came people started talking about how cute the pair was.

Chao was the best mother and daughter pair before Liu Qiao, he didn't like it for a mother Liu Qiao looked out of it and always wear depressing aura around him.

Plus where was the father he could bet there was none, people we such morons in the face beauty.

"Ah class is dismissed, remember people next month I expect to see the father's joining the lessons" the teacher said.

Liu Qiao took up LiHui, he was ready to leave when Chao Niu approached him.


Liu Qiao looked at him a little dazed.

"........ hello"

"Okay I'm gonna honest with you, I see you as a rival" he said frowning

"Um .... a rival?" Liu Qiao asked confused

"Yes as a rival I don't approve of it" he said annoyed

Liu Qiao was growing ever more confused.

"As a mother we go through a lot of things a lot of stress and you seemed to have a lot on your mind but, your demeanor will affect your child" Chao Niu said,

"My demeanor?"

"Yes, as a mother it's tough and the baby doesn't make things easier but when your a mother your connected to your child if you walk around looking like someone killed your mother then your child will grow lacking optimism, do want your child to grow gloomy?" Chao Niu asked

"Um ..... no"

If anything Liu Qiao want her to grow up to be the happiest girl in the world but her temper is bad and she hasn't smiled once.

"Here is my number call me I'll aid in whatever endeavor after all it wasn't easy especially when I was going through post partum depression" Chao Niu said.

Although Chao Niu was only helping Liu Qiao so that after his well better and stronger he could have a worthy opponent, but looking at the stressful attire of this mother there was no way he go up against him.

Liu Qiao nods then accepts the paper, they both parted ways Liu Qiao was going to visit the hospital, he always does.

But for some reason the more closer he got to the hospital the more faster his heart beats as if it's panicked his hands where trembling he was scared.

Suddenly a nurse that was rushing bumped into him, he held to the baby she stopped.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Nurse you need to hurry the patient's barely holding on"

"I'm sorry I of to go I'm really sorry" she rushes on

Liu Qiao checked if there is anything wrong with LiHui then breath in relief, he looked around wondering why the nurses were in such a rush then again this is the hospital.

As Liu Qiao goes up closer to Cheng Tao's room he saw that the nurses where rushing to his aide.

"Cheng Tao!" He panics

"Keep him away from this area please" the doctor said

"Sir your gonna of to leave" a nurse said

"What's going on?! What's happening with Cheng Tao?!"  Liu Qiao Asked in a panic

Soon LiHui started to cry from all the commotion, the beats on the heart monitor was slowing down and he could see the nurses heading for the defibrillator.

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