But I'm a National Champion

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Bright and early Monday morning the new moms headed into the studio. 

"Good morning!" Abby greeted happily, "Go ahead in there and begin to to stretch" she instructed. 

Sighing deeply Abby reminiscent on last weeks competition. Pulling a replacement team didn't seem to work in her favor, but she'd much rather work with these kids and moms than the originals. Thank god Eden remained... her only loyal student.

Half an hour into rehearsal and new girl Ally had still not arrived. Taking action Abby rings her mom Shelly.

"Hi, Shelly this is Abby. I'm calling to find out where Ally is?"

"We went back to New Orleans..."

"How did this get screwed up?"

"Well there was some really hard conversation going on about why we came in second place...I mean Ally cried the whole way home yesterday on the plane" Shelly informed, still upset with the events that had taken place.

"Well give my best to Ally, she's a very talented dancer and I'm sorry this happened" Abby responded in sympathy, even these moms were getting rid of her dancers.

"She really enjoyed her time with you's, Eden made her feel so welcome and comfortable. So if you can thank her for me, please.

Smiling proudly she thanked Shelly. 

Hanging up the phone Abby sighed in frustration, why did she only attract the crazy moms.

Stalking into the den, Abby decided it was time to confront the moms in question.

"Girls go ahead and head into Studio A to warm up..." Abby dismissed them before turning towards the moms.

"I just got off the phone with Shelly she said those other two mothers were telling my kid she was the reason we lost the group!"


"This is my lively-hood, this is what I do! I don't have a husband that has a million dollar job. I don't do that and the kid cried all the way home! To New Orleans!" Abby ranted.

Shaking their heads in denial, the moms refuse to own up to their mistakes.

"You know what! No more Misses Nice Guy! it's over! you two are out!"

Their faces drop.. not expecting Abby to dismiss their daughters so easily. It was time to send Glo and Marcia packing along with their girls.

"Just tell her your sorry! it's not fair! We want to stay, go say sorry!"

"We did!"

"I want this really badly!" 

It was no use once Abby made up her mind, their was no changing it. The only thing running through Abby's mind now was finding new dancers, two would not be enough to compete with.


Unbeknownst to Abby a dark cloud was heading straight towards the Dance Company.. in the form of the original Dance moms. 

"The real dance moms are here!" Christie exclaimed out her car window. It was a reunion that Abby didn't want. 

With the band back together, they continue to loiter in the parking lot. No one brave enough to make the first move, Kelly leaned lazily against the side of her car. Not one bone in her body wanted to be back, but the love for her kids steered her right back into the arms of the Abby Lee Dance Company.

"It's great that Kelly wants to be back on the team, but it's too late Abby has replaced all our girls.. We need to go in there as a united front and not sign anything until Kelly is back on the team" Christie told the women, receiving nods of agreement.

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