Big Trouble in the Big Apple

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Eden nervously twirled her fingers in her lap as she listened to the hundred of instructions being sent her way. She didn't know who was more nervous her mom or her manager, Julia. 

"No one can know" echoed in her mind as she nodded her head absentmindedly. "No one could know"

"I don't think, I want to do this anymore" Eden whispered as she climbed into her mothers lap. Robert's voice could be heard through the monitor, he seemed to exude confidence onstage. 

It was six o'clock in the evening and the father-daughter duo were about to have first interview together. Of course no one knew how special and internet breaking this interview would become once the secret was revealed, if it got revealed at all.

They were here to speak about the new Lego movie which they both starred in, their first project together. It was a project Angelina kept on the down low. The producers and dance moms didn't know half the jobs Eden landed despite their best effort, it was none of their business.

"Stop that, you were so excited when you heard!" Angelina scowled lightly, throwing Julia a look to stop her frantic mutterings. It looked like she was on the verge of a nervous break down and Eden hadn't even gotten on stage yet.

"I want you to go out there and have the best time, okay? Jimmy's going to ask you about your role in Game of Thrones Season 5 and 6, just make sure to keep it light and give away no spoilers" Angelina encouraged as Eden nodded her head after every second word. 

Julia had to sit down at the mention of Game of Thrones, their was so much that could wrong in one interview.

As filming for season 6 of Game of Thrones began the fan-base grew at an exceeding fast pace, as did the popularity of Aylanna Stark's storyline. The second youngest stark child was a fan favourite world wide and everyone wanted to know what she was going to do next. The media attention in LA was reaching unbearable levels as her fame rose, they forget she is an eleven year old girl who was only starting her life.

Angelina barely paused as she continued her reassuring lecture, "Then he's going to ask you about the new lead role you got in 'By the Sea'."

"What do I say? we don't start filming until next year" Eden asked already sounding chirpier as her new lead role was mentioned. It took a long five months for the directors to finalize the role, they were debating having someone older play the part but despite her young age no one could deny Eden's talent.

"You can tell them about how your starting training for the role in a months time, and a brief mention on your character" Julia piped up quickly, they couldn't reveal everything to the public, not just yet anyway.

 "Any question you don't know how to answer or don't want to, just look at your dad and he'll change the subject quickly. You know him, he can be a silly goose sometimes, can't he?" Eden laughed at the question much to everyone's relief. They needed Eden to be her bubbly little self on stage. 

"Your here to promote the new Lego movie with your dad, so just enjoy every second of it!" Angelina smiled kissing Eden's cheek softly.

"Okay" Eden agreed as she exhaled one last shaky breath. She was ready for the interview, ready to pick on her dad in front of everyone and not be told off. 

When she was first told that the two were scheduled together she couldn't wait, it wasn't until she was excessively warned not to reveal anything that it became a chore. 

"I'm excited again! Let's go embarrass papa"

"That's my girl" Angelina grinned as she stood up and fluffed out Eden's light grey dress to coordinate with Roberts dark grey suit. It was the little details that made them laugh, like an inside joke they shared. 

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