The Apple of Her Eye

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"Come on Girls! Let's go" Abby hollers into the den, she was a woman on a mission.

Eden glanced up around the room, the girls were already half way out the door. Stuffing her book into her bag she hurried after them. 

"I've been trying to figure out what does the Abby Lee Dance Company needs to do to get back to winning first place overall high score. We went all the way to Minnesota, I've never been there before and I'm probably never going back. Thank god I had Eden! or I found have have been mortified!" Abby told them, missing  the flicker of jealousy cross Melissa's face before it restored to its natural emotionless mask.

"Right! pyramid!" Abby stated, clapping her hands together in emphasis. With a quick flick of her wrist she revealed the first dancer. "Mackenzie, I told you to stay off your foot. I even went and got you a wheel chair so you weren't standing on hard cement. You didn't listen! you were hobbling all over the place, all day long" Abby chastised. 

"This week you are benched, you will not be performing" a rather harsh punishment in Eden's opinion. But Melissa put up no fight.

"Next is Paige, you do a good job, But I don't want good! I don't want fine!"

"Brooke, in the group dance you were almost lethargic. You move slow, you don't have a lot of zip. There's no energy!" the sisters nod their heads, no emotion shown on the face. Their love for dance was diminishing with each pyramid, it was a chore to turn up.

"Next Chloe, I hope you learned your lesson!" Abby announced, finally she was back on the team. Her suspension period behind her and she could move on. Her little smile said it all, the tension leaving her shoulders she had done it!

"Moving on up, Maddie. I gave you a solo and you came second. Nearly forty points separated you and Eden. That is just not good enough. Do you have what it takes? can you get passed second?" she asked rhetorically, not having much faith in her team at this moment in time.

"Next is Kendall, Jill I used your gorgeous new head-shot that you gave me" Abby revealed. Eden smiled looking at Jill's happy face, the woman was comical at times.

"Do you guys like it?" Jill asked the moms smiling her carat smile.

"I didn't realise we where doing new head-shots for the pyramid? " Holly asked, saying what every mom was thinking. 


"Kendall's a pretty girl" Abby interrupted. "But you go on stage and you don't use it" she finished, causing Kendall's smile to dim.

"Next is Eden-Rose, no surprise there! you won in both your solo and duet. But your not on top of the pyramid?.. I want to see more from you, that is why you will be dancing in the teen category this weekend and you better win" Abby announced, the mom's gasping in shock for extra effect.

 Eden nodded her head, taking the new challenge on head first. She had gone up against much worse, this no longer fazed her.

"And on top of the pyramid is Nia! I thought you looked great! your face was off the charts. You were Beyonce up there" Abby congratulated, letting the girl have her moment. 

"This week we will be attending Powerhouse Dance Competition in Ohio and I have a rotten feeling you know who is going to be there. The group routine is about 'Rosa Parks'" Abby announces.

Eden claps in excitement looking at Nia who beamed with hope, they seemed to be the only two girls who immediately knew the story of the great Rosa Parks.

"Don't assume anything! I have no idea who will play Rosa Parks" Abby stated, her eyes directed at Holly. Eden scrunched her eyebrows down in confusion, Mrs.Abby didn't make sense sometimes.

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