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"Eden, baby! Look at me! Don't be nervous this is an exciting day. Okay? Were going to get out there watch a few people perform, then you'll get ready for your dance number with Jacob. He'll be with you throughout." Angelina whispered soothingly to her daughter. 

This week had been a week of healing after the recent incident. Eden was adamant to still perform at the VMA's, for a ten year she didn't fully realize the seriousness in the situation. 

It was a stressful couple of days for Robert and Angelina, especially Angela who was dealing with the lawyers and the hounding of the media.

 They examined everyone under the own employment, it was found out later the man in question was hired by the studio two days previously. Robert did all he could from the shadows, his identity of Eden's father still hidden from the public. 

After three days had passed Eden was slowly turning back into her bubble little self. Throwing herself into dance it helped her recover quickly. It was a relief to her mother and father who had worried for her mental health, she hardly talked the day after. Only opening up to Jacob who wouldn't let her close herself off. Angelina spent the past few nights keeping her within eye line, she wouldn't let herself be distracted again. Not even for a second.

"Your going to be presenting the 'Summers Best Song' with Arianna. So you have nothing to be worried about. You have your part memorized and if you forget because of your nerves, there's a screen there for you. Shane will be by your side the entire night, okay? you focus on having fun"

Steadying her breathing Eden thanked her mom, cuddling into her side. They remained in bed for an extra hour, enjoying the calm before the storm. 

In exactly two hours Angelina's hair and Makeup team would be here. Eden's dressing room at the VMA's was set and everything was in order, under the strict guidance of Julia. It was Eden's first time attending the VMA's and she wanted the girl to enjoy it with no mishaps. There security of trusted men had doubled, so they had nothing to worry about.

"Is this your first time coming to the VMA's mommy?"

"Yes, it is. But it won't be my last. You'll be a famous singer in the future, I can already tell" she smiled, cuddling her daughter tightly.

"You really think so??" Eden beamed, it was her dream to become a famous singer, model and actress. She wanted to be a strong contestant in all the industries.

"I'm really excited! and I can't wait to see all the famous singers!" Eden squealed in excitement. Her eyes sparkling in anticipation. The nerves temporarily forgotten.

"Will we wake Jake up?

"No let him sleep in, you's were up late practicing the routine" Angelina responded, stroking her daughters hair affectionately. 

"Okay.. is dad going to be watching?" 

"Of Course he is! he wouldn't miss this for the world" she reassured. 


"Well... how do I look?" Eden asked shyly, turning around to face her family. 

Angelina smile broadened, "You are the most spectacular baby girl I have ever seen".

Smiling in thanks, Eden turned to see Jake's reaction.

"Can't wait to marry you" he confessed after a moment of silence. Blinking in shock, Eden burst out laughing. Only Jacob could make a statement like that.

Tugging his ear Robert sent him a look, although he himself was trying to rein in his amusement. 

"You my little princess! are going to be the beauty of the ball" he exclaimed picking her up.

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