Watch your back, Mack

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"Hurry up girls! Let's go" Abby beckons the girls into the studio for yet another pyramid. 

"Congratulations! Another good weekend, Another win" Abby smiled letting the mom's applaud the girls.

"Now let's start with the pyramid, I'm going to start on top because that's what's easiest. Eden-Rose is on top because not only did she win, but she won in the teen division against people five years her senior. Now Eden is not going to be here this week, she has jobs and auditions in New York. Something you guys could only dream of." Abby announced unaware of the damage her words cost. It was these type of comments that made the moms grow resentment towards Eden and Angelina. They were put on a pedestal that no one could reach all because Miss Abby Lee Miller said so.

"Next is Maddie of course, I gave you a job to do! to teach your sister and that's what you did. I am very proud of you" Abby beamed, It was good to have her Star Students on top of their game and the pyramid.

"Next is Paige" Abby announced watching as the young girl smiled with pride, she had managed to stay on the top tier of the pyramid for two weeks now. Thing's were looking up for the Hyland family now that their mom and Abby had stopped arguing. "You did a great job, it was darling"

"Next Kendall, you did a good job. Could it have been better?... Yes. Anyway, next we have Chloe. Now Chloe you placed first in the Junior Solo Division, you beat all the other boys and girls. Well Done" 

Christie huffed in the corner rolling her eyes in annoyance. Chloe placed first in her division and still Abby placed her significantly lower than the other dancers, it wasn't fair.

"Next is Nia, now Nia once again you flew under the radar. You didn't draw my eyes in a negative way, that's very admirable" Abby told the girl. 

Holly stood silently not knowing how to take the insult thrown at her child. Abby could hardly think that she just complemented Nia.

 "Next is Mackenzie! I stand by my decision, I don't think you should have been in that group dance!" Abby told her not caring that she was the cause of a little frown overtaken her smile.

"Then finally we have Brooke. Now Brooke your here because you obviously didn't dance with your week break" Abby revealed looking directly at the teenager who stared back at her expressionless.

 No doubt Brooke could use another week break from the Abby Lee Dance Company. She surely hadn't missed the arguing of hurtful comments thrown her way.

"Now I'm sure you all noticed the extra photo, well with Eden being off this week I have invited a new dancer in... So please make sure to welcome your new team member Asia " Abby announced revealing her photo on the pyramid. It was clear the Maddie and Mackenzie recognised the young girl from Abby's ultimate Dance Competition.

The moms groan in despair not wanting to deal with another mother, they already had to fight for dances among themselves. No doubt this new girl would take Abby's attention away from there daughters.

"She was a contestant in the ultimate competition that I judged this Summer, her mother signed the same contract you guys have signed. So she is here for the duration and she wants my tutelage" Abby told them directing the conversations over to the moms, who could only nod in acceptance.

 "I don't think there's enough competition among you all, when Eden is not here she is training with the best instructors and learning different tricks and moves, she is in competition with herself. She has that drive to want to improve on every little thing, you lot don't! You don't challenge each other enough!" Abby said aiming her words towards her dancers.

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