Recital Rebellion

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Part One




The two men embrace in a brotherly hug, Robert still dressed as an old man. Eden didn't know how Johnny recognized him so easily. 

"Where's the little princess?" Johnny asked his eyes gazing over the pouting girl. 

"I'm right here! Did my dazzling personality blind you?" 

"Princess?! no you can't be her, my goddaughter isn't that tall" Johnny denied peering around the room dramatically.

 Jacob stifled his chuckles, yeah right Eden was a munchkin.

"Your my favourite" Eden squeal running towards him excitedly. "I did grow, I've been eating all my vegetables"

"I can tell!" he grinned picking the young girl up for a hug. "Now I've meet this charming young man before?.. Jacob isn't that right?"

"That's me" Jacob grinned before sticking out his hand for a handshake, he was one of the boys now.

"Good man" Johnny smiled his eyes flickering over to Robert who was leaning on a cane, still in character. "Is this what you look like without makeup Bob?"

Robert scoffed at the cheeky reply, before shooting Jacob a proud look.

Eden smothered her twinkling laugh looking over at her dad's offended face. "Aye! I told him he needs to get work done. Stressed out being a millionaire he is" Jacob chirped up his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Alright you" Angelina laughed moving to give Johnny a welcoming hug. "Eden, and I made you your favourite dish. Whilst the boys watched" Angelina stated sending them both a look. The two shrugged in unison, it was scary how similar they were becoming. 

"Are you coming this weekend Johnny? It's the Abby Lee Dance Company Annual Recital" Eden asked her big doe eyes looking up at him pleadingly. 

"I-- do I get to dress up like Bobby?" he asked curiously, his eyes meeting Angelina's who looked amused.

"If you want Johnny. Robert has extra, that he'll happily lend you. Isn't that right?"

"Right" Robert agreed, before the two men began setting a plan. Together they became enthralled in there characters back story.

"There taking this very seriously" Jacob chuckled, his arm resting over Eden's shoulder.

"I'm more mature than them. Mom always says when there together there like children, so do be carefully they love to prank people together" Eden warned her eyes shining as she watched two of the most important male figures in her life reunite after months apart.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Eden I got you something and you too Jacob I heard you have become a semi-permanent resident here"

"Me?" Jacob asked perplexed at the man's generosity.

"Johnny you don't have to get her something every time" Angelina sighed, Eden's smile stopping any further comment. 

"Of course I did! Don't get to see her as often as I would like" Johnny laughed waving off her words. "Here we go!" he cheered walking back into the room, a guitar case in each hand. "I was told you guys have been learning, what do you think?"

Dance Prodigy (ii)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें