Rotten to the Core

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(Italics- french)


"Eden darling! it's time to wake up..." Angelina trailed off looking down at her daughter. Since returning two nights ago Eden wouldn't let her out of her sight. Even going as far as sleeping in her mothers bed like she use to do when she was little. 

Angelina had missed her so much, nearly returning a couple of times. But her contract kept her tied, her days were filled with shooting and interviews so t kept her busy for the most part.

 She knew going back to work was hard, but she didn't think it would be this bad. Thankfully Eden had spent a full week with Robert in La. It really helped break up the time they had together. Susan took the time to bring Eden to all her jobs, even helping her create a network of people that Eden had never met before.

Susan in her own right was an accomplished Film producer, it was how she met Robert on the set of Sherlock Holmes. 

It was incredible to see how much Eden had warmed up to the woman. Eden being the smart girl she is realized how much Susan made her dad happy, so slowly tore her walls down getting to know her. To say Robert was ecstatic would be an understatement. 

But than again Susan worked for it... She never failed to spare time just for Eden often taking her out to the beach when neither of them were working and just enjoying their time together. 

Smoothing out her daughters blonde curly hair, Angelina watched as her little  chest rose and fell in a peaceful rhythm. God she had missed her so much. Deciding to take a few more minutes Angelina curled up beside Eden, closing her eyes for a few more seconds. 

A tapping startled Angelina awake, fluttering her eye lashes open she was met with her daughters sparkling clear blue eyes. "Morning mom" she whispered sweetly, yawning tiredly.

"Morning baby! I guess we slept in" Angelina laughed checking the time. "Mmh-hmm" Eden agreed snuggling into her mom. 

"Come on, you cheeky monkey! I want to hear everything that happened last week. I know you weren't telling me everything over the phone" Angelina told her, tickling her sides to bring out the smile she knew and loved.

"Mom!" Eden whined, her giggles erupting out into the bedroom. 

"Come on baby! tell me everything good and bad" Angelina encouraged encasing her daughter into her chest.

"It was horrible" she mumbled, her eyes watering as she thought of how she felt in pyramid last week. "What happened? and who did it?" 

"Abby kept comparing me to the girls... they hardly spoke to me all week" she sniffled. "T-the producers were so mean they kept trying to cut my solo practice early so I wouldn't have it complete, but Mrs.Abby refused" Angelina listened quietly as her daughter retold the events she had purposely left out during their phone calls. 

" A-and they kept telling Abby to be stricter in rehearsal it was awful" she told her mom, her voice cracking as she continued on. Angelina's heart broke there was no way this was going to be let go.

 "And the moms? did they do anything bad?" Angelina asked, not sure how much she could take.

"No, the moms were fine. They were kind of nice this week... told the producers off a lot" she hummed, wiping her eyes. It was good to get it off her chest.

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