You've Been Unfriended

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"Alright! You know they told me Detroit was a tough city, was! You weren't the big winners. You got beat. Third place, Cathy is a fake and a phony! She calls herself a choreographer? She's an embarrassment to my vocation" Abby announced in frustration.

"And then we had a duet with Nia and Paige that I can't really talk about because I pulled it... If your mother is out of control, you don't dance" she scolded, looking directly at Nia.

"And Abby that is fine! I do want it noted on your record that I was defending my daughter because you were being insensitive to her health issues. That's what my disagreement with you was" Holly defends in her usual sophisticated manner.

"Well let's just say I'm not putting up with it anymore" Abby shrugged focusing on Nia.

"Now, we've had a member of the team all know what suspended is. It's like the last chance before dismissal" Abby announced, causing Chloe to look down, a frown settling on her face for the time being.

"Let's move onto the pyramid. Chloe your obviously not on the pyramid. First up we have Nia, for obvious reasons. Next, Paige. You kind of got thrown under the bus with the duet" Abby shrugged, moving on.

"Next we have went from being second on the pyramid to the bottom line! You were given a solo and you didn't even make the top ten. So, do I just keep giving you a solo? No" Abby tells her. 

Jill bites her lip in worry there was only so much bribing she could do.

"Next, Mackenzie. I told you I wasn't going to put you in the groups anymore because you are the weak link. This time I thought you were excellent" Abby complements causing a big grin grow on Mackenzie's face, she was feeling pretty proud of herself.

"Next, Brooke. It was the first time you were officially on the team. I thought the parts the you did in the routine that were your solo spots were excellent. But I need you still to be more of a role model. Understood?" 

"Yes, thank you" she replied softly, happy with her placing.

"Next, Maddie. You came first in your duet with Eden. I thought you did good, you kept up with her. You have not had a solo in weeks, and you came second against Eden-Rose. That is why she is on the Top of the pyramid" Abby exclaimed happily.

"Now you probably noticed Eden's lack of presences well for the next few weeks Eden will be away working and performing. So I need you  girls to step it up, who can be my winner when she's not here? Whilst working Eden is putting in hours of training, she wants to be the best, do you?"

"We will be attending intensity dance in Fort Lauderale, Florida. Everybody will be in the group dance. Noe the group dance is a contemporary piece, the name of the routine is..'Money is the Root of all Evil'." 

Christie's face screws up in confusion, she couldn't really relate to money as the root to all evil, Abby yes, Money no. 

"Mom's the costumes are emerald green like the color of money or envy and.. there going to need some work. We need headpieces, we need trim and you'll be using actual real money on the costumes" Abby instructed, smiling at the mom's disgruntled faces.

"Expensive costumes indeed" Holly muttered under her breathe, it was a waste of money.

"Maddie obviously with Eden not here you will be doing a solo. The other solo is going to Brooke" the girls and moms raise their hands in applause. It was Brooke's first solo of the New Season.

"We have a lot of work to do! so mom's go head upstairs and girls spread a part" Abby ordered, dismissing the mom's immediately.


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