Where did it go wrong?

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Double update this week

Hope you enjoy...

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"Welcome Back! Now our next guest is a well known Actress, at only ten years of age everyone know's her name!! Her face can be seen in every magazine! and social media platform. Please give a warm welcome to Ms.Eden-Rose!!" Jimmy Fallon announces.

The audience goes wild, as the young yet beautiful actress makes her way over to Jimmy.  Smiling a toothy grin, Eden waves at the crowd. 

"Welcome! it's so good to meet you!" Jimmy greets her, his words flowing out in a fast pace. He gestures her politely to take a seat, before taking his own. 

"Nice to be here, Jimmy! " she smiles sweetly, looking out a the large audience. Her blonde hair hung in beach waves down her back, with a touch of makeup her large doe eyes popped against her sun kissed skin. It was unfair how a child could be so stunning.

"It's your first time here!" Jimmy yells startling her slightly. But causing the audience to let out cheers of approval. 

Eden giggles finding that Jimmy reminded her of a hyper puppy. "It is! you have a very nice place..there was loads of food in the dressing room" Eden thanked him, the audience members cooed laughing at her innocence. 

"Well your very welcome" he chuckled. "Now before we get talking about your new movie, I thought it would be a nice idea to play a game... you up for it?"

"Oh! sure? What kind of game?" Eden questioned, tilting her head slighting in confusion. She was never told about a game.

"I think it's safe to say everyone knows how well you can act and dance.. but lately you have been delving into singing and performing.." Jimmy explains to the crowd. Eden nods her head in agreement confirming his suspicions.

"And I heard through the great vine that your very good at impressions..." he smiled.

"I'm all right" she answer's down playing her skill.

"So this is the first time we've played this game...So how it works we both get a mic" he starts handing her a pink sparkly microphone. 

"Oh! Pretty!" she gasped clutching it to her chest.

"So! we each take a turn to press this buzzer and a name of a song and artist will pop up. We have to try our hardest to impersonate that person singing the chosen song! You up for it?" he questioned looking at her face for any signs of nerves. There were none.

"Yes! let's do this!" she agreed, causing the audience to shout encouragement at her. Jimmy sighed in relief, she was a great guest for going along with it and at only ten years old.

"Okay first one up.. you got Britney Spears with 'Mary had a little lamb' Jimmy announced. 'Oh! I love Britney!" she exclaimed squirming in excitement. The audience laughed hysterically at her impression,sending her a wave of cheers for her go.

Smiling Eden laughed as Jimmy had his turn, he sang a song Eden didn't know. She was glad he got it instead.

"Oh! Christina Aguilera with 'The wheels on the bus' Jimmy exclaimed looking towards the girl.

 Eden cackled, before belting the song out. The audience cheered not expecting the powerful voice to come from such a delicate looking girl.

"Let's just stop the show there! that was unbelievable!" Jimmy yells in disbelief. Laughing Eden feels her face flush in embarrassment. After Jimmy it was soon Eden's turn to go. 

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