Two Can Play This Game

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"Of course at the of the pyramid we have Payton. For your behaviour to be so ugly over your hair? I don't care if your happy or sad or in pain! I don't care! when you go to a competition and your representing me, you need to start acting your age or your time here might be cut short" Abby ranted with quick hand gestures making it clear to everyone Abby was starting pyramid on short fumes.

"Next, Brooke you missed a whole four counts on the floor. You just rolled over right in front of the judges. I have one word for you and that is unacceptable" Abby stated holding eye contact with the oldest Hyland who had the decency to look ashamed.

"Next, Nia.. great week, pretty costume, did a nice job. But do you perform the choreography? do you go out on stage like its the last time you're ever going to be on stage? No I don't think so" 

Holly pursed her lips together in disappointment, her daughters week didn't end on a high like everyone else. Nia had lost her confidence from last weeks results and Holly was worried this meant Abby wouldn't give her a solo in the near future.

"Mackenzie! lots of fooling around in the dressing room in everybody's way. We need to work on that, understand?" Abby asked receiving a shy nod in return.

"Moving on up, I have Paige. You were part of the high score winning trio. Could you have done a better job? Certainly"

"Next is Kendall, it was good but same thing as Paige. Could have been better, could have been outstanding" Abby stated missing Jill bite her lip in dissatisfaction.

"Next I have Chloe, you have the dancers body. You have the look, your technique shines through. You can nail it no matter what" Abby complemented with a small smile surprising everyone in the studio. 

"And at the top of the pyramid I have Maddie and Eden. Both top scorers in their own division. Eden you won the top overall solo of the day and two special awards. So congratulations to both of you!" Abby cheered with the rest of moms and girls. 

"Now I told every single one of you over the break that this is not going to be another year of Eden and Maddie working their butts off and you all sitting around" Abby firmly declared looking at the group with a stern expression, she meant business this year.

"Kendall and Chloe! you both have solo's this week. We're gonna see who I can rely on when Eden or Maddie isn't here. I know who my number one girl is and my close second, but who's right behind them?" Abby questions her eyes flickering between the two girls. There was nothing better than a bit of competition amongst her team, they were resting on their laurels too much.

Eden stood stoic giving no reaction although in her mind she weighed the pros and cons and declared Chloe an overall better dancer. But then again Abby didn't like Christie and would do anything to get rid of her meaning she wouldn't mind getting rid of Chloe.

"That means no solo for either Eden or Maddie this week, you will however be performing a duet together. Angelina will be choreographing this routine so don't let me down"

The two girls gleamed in excitement, they both trusted one another's dancing capabilities. 

They duo were in a silent agreement that this routine was going to blow people out of the water, Eden was gunning for a perfect score.  

"Anyway back to Chloe and Kendall! for you guys its going to be a battle of the pop stars. Chloe your routine is inspired by Katy Perry and Kendall your gonna be extremely individual like Lady Gaga"

"Alright!!" Jill clapped in delight, her little Kendall had beaten Chloe in the past and she could do it again. She had complete faith in Kendall's dancing ability and overall star showman potential.

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