Boys are Cuties, Girls have Cooties

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Abby stared at the girls in silence after last weeks performance Abby wasn't the slightest bit happy with the team, bar Eden who was working for the past week.

 Award ceremonies were coming up and Eden being the rising star she was was invited to nearly every single one. Unsurprisingly she was nominated for a handful of awards, her talent not going unnoticed by many in the industry even at her young age.

Shuffling on her feet Eden glanced around the room not knowing the cause of Abby's mood.

"I just want to look at what forth place looks like..."Abby announced disappointingly looking at the girls. "Eden! step forward" she ordered not sparing a second glance to the other girls or moms.

"You were not here last week, instead you were jetting off getting amazing opportunities that you worked hard for. You are above forth place so you will stand before them" 

Eden stood still as a statue not believing Abby was doing this. The mom's looked at Abby in disgust, it was clear to see how uncomfortable Eden felt, her little chest rising and falling faster than before.

"This weekend we will be travelling to New Jersey, to attend On Stage America. I don't want to be forth again! So on the bottom of the pyramid is Mackenzie. You will not be performing in the group routine this week." Abby told her immediately, watching as she nodded her head in acceptance.

"Next is Maddie" Abby said revealing her photo, it had been the furthest down on the pyramid Maddie had ever been. Eden eyes widened slightly although she tried to keep her face neutral not wanting to give the producers anything to work with. What had happened last week for Maddie to place so low.

"At Nationals you were amazing! Just as good as Chloe, but Chloe won and ever since then..." Abby began shrugging her shoulders in indifference. "You've been going need to step it up"

Melissa stood glumly in the corner it was only the beginning of the week and it was going horrible for her girls. Down the line Kelly smiled happy it was time Melissa's kids finally experienced what the bottom line felt like.

"Next, Paige. Once again it's the same pattern Kelly. It's like she doesn't have to work anymore like I won, third was good enough for me" Abby said mimicking the young girl. Paige looks to her mother in warning praying she wouldn't say anything. It was always worse for them when the mom's argued with Abby.

"Next ,Nia. Your doing fine! But is fine going to make you a star?" Abby questioned rhetorically, they all knew the answer was no.

"Kendall, you didn't pull my eye in a negative way. You actually pulled them in a positive way. When I don't say your name and I stop yelling at you get worried." Jill smiled broadly at this, finally her little Kendall was off the bottom line on the pyramid.

"And Chloe! it was good it wasn't exactly what you were supposed to do. Go out there and do the routine that you were thought, the way I envisioned it. Better yet! do it better than I envisioned it. Like Eden does!"

"And on top of the pyramid is Eden, now I know she wasn't here last week. But she still managed to out perform and out shine you all in my eyes. Congratulations Eden!" Abby clapped, it echoed in the room as everyone else stayed quiet. At that moment Eden wanted to disappear. 

"Nobody who placed fourth deserves to be on top of the pyramid, Brooke I don't have you on the team" Abby began, only to be cut off by a high-pitch Kelly.

"She's been here every week! What is the purpose of her coming every week if she's not going to be on the pyramid?" Kelly asked, moving her hands in frantic motion.

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