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"Oh man! It is so cold here" Jacob complained, pulling his hat further down his head. Looking down he watched as the bundle of pink shivered by his side. Stifling a laugh he pulled his Barbie under his arm, keeping her close. 

"Come on, Darlings" Angelina laughed beckoning them forward. Angelina herself was layered in clothes, it was a cold day with an expected storm on the way.

 Trailed by bodyguards, they tried to be as inconspicuously as possible. 

"I'm so cold mom"Eden whined burying her face in Jacob's chest. "I know, but we're here now" Angelina smiled, thanking Shane who opened the door for them. "Shane...." Eden whined, throwing her hands up to be carried. He let out a bark of laughter, picking her up. He had been her bodyguard since she was the age of two and never changed. Whenever the little girl was too cold, she wanted to be lifted seeking their body warmth.

"Come on then, Misses" he sighed playfully, putting on his stoic mask again. "Me too!" Jacob said smiling sarcastically at the frightening tall man. 

"Not a chance buddy" Shane smirked, watching as Eden stuck her tongue out at the boy. "Ha! I'm taller than you Jake!"

Angelina shook her head at their playful banter, walking towards the reception area she smiled politely at the middle age woman. "Hi, we're meant to be meeting Marshall" she announced, her eyes flickering over to her daughter every couple of seconds.

"Name?" the woman questioned, her eyes slightly squinting at the famous Actress and choreographer. "Angelina Jolie..." she replied clearing her throat to stifle her laugh. It had been a long time since she had been asked her name. In the background the two kids were getting restless, Jacob had been talking non-stop about this day for weeks.

"Of course, I'll ring up now"she said smiling through gritted teeth. It wasn't a particularly friendly front of office Angelina thought.

Glancing over she stifled a laugh as Eden attempted to make Shane smile, the man was hanging on by a thread. He was doing a fantastic job, Eden was a hard person not to smile at.

"You can head up, he's on Floor 3, he'll be in the studio" 

"Thank you" Angelina smiled, knowing her politeness would bother the woman more. "Darling's let's go" she called holding out her hand for Eden to grab. 

"I can't believe we're going to meet Eminem in his studio where all the magic happens" Jacob gushed, his cheeks flushed in excitement. 

"I know! I just hope he likes the marshmallows I got him" Eden giggled at her own little joke. The bag of fluffy sugar in the arms of one of the security guards, it made him significantly less intimidating.

The elevator ride took seconds and before they knew it they stood outside the studio. "Do we Knock?" Jacob questioned out loud, he had been staring at the door now for a couple of seconds having run ahead of the others.

"Yes, Jacob. You always knock, hunny" Angelina instructed, giving him the go ahead.

He waited with baited breathe, still not over the fact 'The Rap God' had invited them over. A tall man opened the door, a beaming smile on his face. "Aye! he told me it was true but I didn't believe him! Angelina Jolie in the flesh" the man rambled, his voice palpable with excitement.

"Your Dr.Dre!" Jacob exclaimed loudly catching everyone's attention.

"Aye, that's me! and you must be Jacob?" he questioned looking down at the boy. "Your so cool! Man I thought I would just be seeing Marshall!" he gushed turning to Eden who stood quietly beside her mother.

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