Clash of the Chloe's

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Eden skipped into the studio with a bright smile on her face. She was extra happy today and it radiated off of her.

The Junior elite team had just finished a jazz class together and everyone was feeling upbeat from their win last week. 

Twirling herself into line Eden represented her mothers new dance wear line from head to toe. The comfy material was a tan nude skin colour with her name stitched in a baby blue thread to add a personalized touch. Eden was in love and had gifted each girl with their own personalized set much to their delight.

"Looking fabulous Eden, girls" Abby commented as the mothers filed in through the door.

"Thank you! mom worked really hard on them! there super comfy and amazing to dance in. Jacob and I were the testers, we had to dance and exercise in them for a while. My dad loves them too" Eden added knowing the producers would show this moment on the show. It was great unpaid publicity for the clothes. 

"Well it looks great! maybe I'll get some too" Abby smiled ignoring as Christie snickered into her hand. 

"Of course! I asked mom to make a pj set out of a similar material because there so comfy, so we can give you one for a trial?"

"Perfect! we can use them in a costume and help promote them if you would like?" Abby asked with an excited smile, she would do anything for the Jolie mother and daughter. They had done a lot for the show and in turn her studio. Eden's presence alone brought in half of her clientele. 

"Your choreography would make them come alive, Ms.Abby" Eden replied with a sweet smile that could cause a tooth ache, she knew exactly what she was doing. Eden had a business mind and was a lot smart than people gave her credit for, she remembered everything.

"Now girls I have a surprise!" Abby stated with a mischievous clap of her hands, no one knew what was coming. 

Eden and the girls watched and waited as their teacher walked towards the studio door before opening it revealing a new dancer and her mom.

"I want to introduce Kim and the new Chloe" Abby announced as the moms sized the newcomer. Eden gripped Chloe's hand from behind in reassurance, it looked like Abby had found one replacement.

"Go stand next to her" Abby instructed the new girl, who desperately wanted to stand beside Eden. In her state of excitement the new girl obliviously broke Eden and Chloe's hand connection.

"They were at the first open call audition in Orlando. Chloe is going to join us this week and we will be traveling to Voorhees, New Jersey to attend the competition on Stage America" 

Melissa eyes were focused on the new girl who strategically placed herself between Chloe and Eden-Rose. It looks like the new additions were already beginning to play the game of Dance moms.

"So I'm going to begin with the pyramid this week... On the bottom we have Ms.Mackenzie. You got beat, unacceptable" Abby reprehended causing Melissa frown to deepen. Mackenzie was struggling with the transition of going up in the age categories, her choreography style was never changing and it was difficult to win with it. 

"Next, Brooke. You placed fourth, that's not good enough. You let Eden who is five years younger than you, beat you? Start by putting the phone down then maybe you'll to progress" Abby sneered without missing a beat.

"Next is Paige, I'm still seeing technical issues" Abby said before moving on swiftly. Eden noticed how she wasn't hanging around, Abby meant business this week. 

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