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Eden-Rose attempted Kidnapping! Read more to find out...

Eden-Rose, the young ten year old actress escaped the hands of an orchestrated attack this morning...

Early on Friday evening, Eden left her dance rehearsal early due to large crowds of fans and paparazzi waiting outside. The young girl greeted fans warmly stopping to take photos and sign autographs. Eden's mother Angelina Jolie , manger Julia and best friend Jacob were by her side, so how did a strange man slip through the cracks?

Witnesses described how a man dressed as one of her security pulled the young girl away from her fans. Claiming she was to head to the car, they immediately saw the young actress begin to resist against his hold. At this point he picked her up, making her attempts of escape futile.

Luckily her best-friend was already headed her way, and rushed to her aid. The twelve year old hero quickly alerted Angelina who ran to save her daughter. Without a second thought the young 'Jacob Duffy' kicked the man in his most sensitive regions, stalling the man long enough for her real security to detain the kidnapper. Leaving Eden in the arms of her mother, they were immediately rushed to their vehicle. Source's tell us how the young actress screams of fear could be heard over the crowd, 'it was terrifying experience'.

Fans rushed to social media to discuss this traumatizing event, wishing the Jolie family their best wishes after this horrific incident. 

Enews! send their love and support to the Jolie family after this horrible encounter.

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@ News-Update: Click link to see video of Eden's attempted Kidnap.


@User1: This is horrible! Take this down! 

@Eden-Fan: The fact that you would post a ten year old getting kidnapped is disgusting. #CancelNewsUpdate

@ User1: Poor Eden! Sending all my love! #CancelNewsUpdate

@EdenRoseNumber1Fan: I was there! It was horrible, you shouldn't post this! It's already a traumatizing experience for her family. #CancelNewsUpdate 

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