Oscar (part 2)

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The Dolby Theatre, on this extraordinary night of the Oscars, exuded a captivating aura, a space where the boundaries between reality and dreams blurred, and where the magic of cinema came to life. The dimmed lights bathed the theater in an ethereal glow, casting an enchanting spell upon the grand space. The opulent chandeliers dangled gracefully from the ceiling, their crystals shimmering like stars, it looked straight out of a fairytale.

Eden's head swiveled around the room, her eyes wide with wonder as she tried to capture every little detail. It was mesmerizing.

"Wow," Eden murmured in awe as her eyes flickered up to see her mother's reaction.

"Extremely elegant," Angelina concurred. They had certainly surpassed their previous efforts this year.

"Just wait until you see the goody bags" a voice that Eden didn't recognize appeared from behind. Which didn't surprise her, in every direction she looked there was a famous actor or actress, some she knew and some she had never seen or heard of before. 

As Eden contemplated the comment from the unfamiliar woman, she was well aware of the Oscars' legendary goodie bags, renowned for their opulent and extravagant contents, ranging from luxurious getaways and beauty treatments to exclusive cars, land deeds, and even cosmetic procedures. Eden couldn't help but hope that, as a nominee, she might find something among the lavish gifts that would be a perfect fit for her and her friends – perhaps an exclusive pass to an amusement park or a new toy to spark their joy. 

"Julia, my dear!" Angelina exclaimed with a gasp of delight, drawing the stunning woman into a warm and friendly hug. "How have you been? It feels like it's been ages." Eden snapped out of her reverie upon hearing her mother's warm greeting, turning her attention to the woman embraced in her mother's arms – Julia Roberts.

"Angelina! I spotted you from across the room, and I simply had to come over to say hello. And, of course, a huge congratulations on your well-deserved nomination!" Julia exclaimed, crouching down to envelop Eden in a warm and heartfelt hug.

"Thank you so much! Congratulations to you too!" Eden responded with an exuberant smile, doing her best to hide the approaching blush as Julia Roberts warmly embraced her.

"Oh, Ange! She's the absolute image of your mother. Look at that lovely blonde hair and those sparkling eyes! Ah, simply adorable."

Eden's wide, azure eyes lit up as Julia Roberts once again showered her with praise. She couldn't wait to share this delightful encounter with Ms. Abby, who was a devoted fan of Julia's work.

"Yes, she's certainly inherited her Grandmére's charm," Angelina beamed as she lovingly stroked her daughter's hair. The uncanny resemblance between Angelina's mother and her daughter often left the public and media puzzled when they attempted to determine Eden-Rose's father.

"Absolutely impeccable genes!" Julia laughed, then turned to introduce her husband to Angelina. Meanwhile, Eden was quite occupied, playfully poking Shane in the leg for her own amusement.


Robert sat just behind Eden's seat, his hearty laughter filling the air as he observed his fiancée. She was diligently distributing bags of snacks to the boys, Marshall, and Eden's friends. She had brought the treats solely to keep them entertained. Knowing that the boys could quickly grow bored once the initial excitement of the night wore off, and being well aware of their playful nature, she aimed to prevent potential wrestling matches or their signature game of "Who Can Roundup Robert and Marshall the Fastest."

During this time, Angelina and Eden gracefully weaved their way through the bustling crowd of celebrities, exchanging brief conversations with anyone who crossed their path. They were determined to make the most of the night, forging connections and networking whenever the opportunity arose. This evening was all about establishing valuable industry relationships, and with their prestigious nominations, it was an easy challenge for the mother-and-daughter duo.

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