Wingman Down

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"Princess" Robert sang as he opened her bedroom door with his hip, Eden's breakfast tray occupying his hands. 


The little girl was snuggled under a large duvet that obstructed her vision. The only source of human life was the small snores travelling around the room as Eden enjoyed her lie in. 

After the altercation in the dressing room between Kelly and Abby, Angelina made the decision to leave and fly straight out to New York city where Robert and Marshall were both located. 

To say Robert was angry would be an understatement of the century, he couldn't understand why his daughter couldn't catch a break. 

How two grown adults could have a physical altercation in front of children was beyond him. It was disgusting and Robert didn't want Eden to return to that hostile environment, it wasn't good for her mental health.

"In front of children! do they have no class" Robert grunted with an annoyed frown, after hours of being told he was still visibly seething in his seat.

"I know, I know Robert but this show has really started to take off in popularity and is giving Eden new opportunities and fanbases" Julia interjected with a sigh, she was in full managerial role.

"Eden gets enough opportunities as it is, she doesn't need the show for anything" Robert argued before looking to Angelina for her verdict, she had been quiet so far in their discussion.

"As much as I hate to say this... Eden wants to go back. I think we should stay until the end of the season and see how it goes. One more incident like this and we leave" Angelina suggested  in a wary tone, she didn't want to return herself. 

Roberts reaction was immediate, and he proceeded to shake his head back and forth in disagreement. 

"I agree, and I can add more work to Eden's schedule so she won't be in the studio or around the mothers for long periods of time. It's in her contract that if Eden has work outside of the show that they take precedent" Julia piped in before Robert could respond.

 "Also I spoke with the producers last night and Kelly along with her children have been kicked out of the studio" Julia  added hoping this make Robert reconsider his choice. "So there won't be anymore drama retaining around them, they're gone"

"Kelly's gone?" Angelina asked in genuine surprise, she knew it shouldn't shock her but Kelly's been there since she was a little girl herself.

"Good! and what about Abby? she was involved  in the argument just as much as Kelly was, didn't you say she initiated the fight? What's happening to her?" Robert asked leaning forward  with his elbows resting on his knees.

"Yes well Abby owns the studio and the producers got an upscene amount of drama that I'm sure they were delighted with" Julia responded quickly, being Eden's manager she wanted to look out for  Eden's best interests and that included her reputation

Since season 3 of dance moms had aired Edens popularity in the dance industry spiked to an all time high. There wasn't a week that went by where one of her dance video's  hadn't gone viral. She was being requested left, right and center by celebrities, dance academy's and  shows. They all wanted to be featured on her channel. 

"I don't want Eden witnessing that kind of  violence, or toxicity anymore Angelina. Those mothers speak poorly about children, it's inexcusable" Robert ranted.  "She has a hard enough life with the paparazzi, and people who want to harm her. Do you really think it's in her best interest  to continue on with the show?"

Dance Prodigy (ii)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora