Chapter 2

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During her entire class, (Y/n) had to keep a straight face, trying her hardest to ignore the entity constantly hovering over her shoulder. She figured it was male, based on their voice, he is constantly whispering jokes to her, and asking her a bunch of questions. He is making her very nervous from all his talking, and a bit frightened by his appearance.

She can barely focus on her work because of him, and she knows that Light is connected to the entity. She found out he is really popular, so she can't just go up to him and ask him about the entity. She also doesn't want to be bullied or called crazy for seeing the entity.

"Can you see numbers above someone's head, little human?" Ryuk asks as he floats in front of her desk. For some odd reason, when Light isn't around the entity will talk to her. She is currently in history class, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion from his question.

She doesn't remember seeing something like that, so she lightly shook her head, being noticed by Ryuk. 'Numbers above a person's head? What kind of question is that?' She thought as she flipped her worksheet over, needing to continue her work on the other side of it.

Ryuk just casually floated around the female, watching her do her schoolwork in silence. When she felt Ryuk suddenly touch her shoulder, she started to shake a little, she has never felt an entity touch her before. Most of the time the shadow demons would just lose interest, and leave her alone.

When Ryuk suddenly let go, she let out a breath she didn't know she held. He knew he could touch people, but he saw how much it frightened her, so he let go. (Y/n) is beyond scared, "p-please... Leave me alone..." (Y/n) whispers with a shaky voice, she is petrified.

As her hand no longer glides across the page of the worksheet, she watches as Ryuk just floated away from the girl, then fazing through the classroom door, most likely to go find Light. She lets out a quiet sigh of relief, her body slowly started to become less tense. She then continues to work on her history worksheet, needing to finish her work before class ended.

She really wanted to tell people about what she sees, but, she sadly can't. If she did, she would immediately be sent to a mental home, or be put on medication. She never met an entity that could talk before, except for the ones that make strange sounds, but that was about it.

This creature is different, she doesn't think they are the same species, they have so many differences, the only similarity is normal people can't see them. "Hey! Pssst, new kid! You seem smart! Can you give me some answers? Pretty please?" A small chirpy voice spoke up, tapping (Y/n) on the shoulder repeatedly.

(Y/n) ignored the person, they are supposed to work silently, and separately, 'the teacher is literally walking around the classroom, making sure no one cheats!' (Y/n) thought. On cue, the teacher caught the chirpy voice bothering (Y/n), "ah, ah, ah! What do you think you're doing?! Stop trying to pry answers out of the poor girl! She's new!" The teacher scolds.

"Hey Sweetie, the library is a nice place to finish up, you're welcome to go there to finish your worksheet. Don't think about plagiarizing though! The librarian will be watching" The teacher said, giving (Y/n) a gentle pat on the shoulder. (Y/n) just bows her head down, showing how shy, and antisocial she is.

As (Y/n) gets up and starts packing her things away, she hears the teacher scolding the kid more. "Now, what did I say about trying to pry answers out of people?!" The teacher scolded the female behind (Y/n). (Y/n) looked to the female, she recognizes the female as the daughter of a highly respected CEO.

She doesn't know why the female is in the school when she could easily live off her father's money. (Y/n) holds her history sheet close to her chest with one hand, occasionally fiddling with her pencil in her other hand. As she walks to the library, some people chatted in the hall, she ignored them and kept her head down.

She opens the library doors, quickly walking past some bookshelves to find an empty table. When she passes another bookshelf, she sees the infamous Light Yagami that every girl talks about. She quickly looked around to see any other table, but his table is the only empty one, with him sitting near it.

She had to mentally prepare herself as she walked over to his table, taking a seat across from him. She placed her worksheet onto the table, she swore she felt eyes digging into her head, while she looked down at her paperwork. She quickly flipped to the page she was recently on.

"Hello, how are you?" Light asks politely, trying to be friendly to the new girl, not wanting to be seen as strange for not giving her at least a simple greeting. He had to wait for a while until he got a response, which was more like a mumble. "I-I'm... U-Um, doing fine... T-Thank you..." (Y/n) muttered out, writing down an answer for her worksheet.

He was a bit irritated at the girl's soft voice, he could barely understand the words she just spoke. "Hey, Light! Hey, Light!" Ryuk spoke loudly, causing (Y/n) to jump, this caught Light's attention. (Y/n) slowly looks up to meet Ryuk's eyes, her eyes widen in fright, then looking back at Light who is staring at her.

"I-I-I need to go!" (Y/n) spoke a bit loudly, quickly grabbing her things and fast-walked out of the library. She quickly filled in the rest of her answers on her way back to class. Meanwhile, Light smiled, watching her leave, "this is interesting, isn't it Ryuk?" Light asks with a glare towards the Shinigami.

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