Chapter 56

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"Hey Light, Near's calling" (Y/n) informed since she is obscuring his view of the computer. Light quickly answered, "yes?" Light questioned, putting it on speaker for the others to listen in. "L, I thought you should know, that we caught Mello, but he escaped soon afterward" Near informed, making the 3 males behind Light slump in disappointment.

"We were able to interrogate him for awhile" Near informed, while Light sat straighter. "He didn't really escape, did he? You let him get away, am I right?" Light accused. "No... We tried to restrain him, but he was too quick" Near lied, but quickly changed the topic.

"Anyways, Mello mentioned that there was some sort of Shinigami attached to the notebook. Have you been able to confirm the existence of such a creature?" Near questioned, as he already knows the answer, but he is testing Light. "Yes, I can tell you for a fact, that Shinigami do exist" Light exclaimed, while Ryuk got closer to Light's face.

"I didn't share that information at the beginning, because I was certain you would never believe me" Light lied, sort of. "I would like to ask the Shinigami a few questions" Near demanded. "Forget it, I'm not up for that" Ryuk dismissed without a second thought.

"The thing, that's bothering me the most about this, is the issue of those rules written in the notebook. I have reason to believe that one of them is fake" Near informed, catching everyone's attention, leaning in to listen more. "A fake rule?' Light questioned, playing the part of an oblivious person.

"Yes, L I'd be interested in your thoughts about this" Near quizzed, once again, testing Light. "Our of all the rules, which do you think is the fake? I'd like to know" Near questioned, waiting for Light's answer. "By process of elimination, the obvious choice would be the one stating that the owner of the notebook will die. If they don't write a new name in it every 13 days, I don't believe that" Light informed.

"I thought you might say so, I've reached the same conclusion," Near said. "Shinigami, you know the notebook well, are any of them false?" (Y/n) questioned, as she can be heard through the mic since she's right next to it. "No, they are all real" Ryuk answered, making Near smile widely at the answer.

"I see... You have a Shinigami there with you?" Near questioned, already knowing this fact beforehand. "Yes," Light confirmed, "Is that so... I think I'm beginning to get the picture, in other words, Kira is there in the room. And he's making the Shinigami lie on his behalf" Near guessed correctly, while not pointing out about knowing (Y/n)'s predicament.

'Woah! This guy's good! He nailed it!' Ryuk thought in amazement, and amusement, while Light is annoyed and enraged. "I don't get what he means, what if the Shinigami's lying and the rule's fake? It doesn't really change anything, does it?" Matsuda questioned, quite obliviously.

"Yes it does, it means that Light's incarceration will be meaningless, the rules say you die if you don't continue writing names. But, if that's false being alive after more than 13 days in confinement wouldn't really prove anything" Aizawa pointed out. "But, Light's innocent, the Deputy confirmed it, remember?" Matsuda asked, ending the argument, and saving Light.

"If there's a problem, I suggest we verify the rule this way, I will volunteer to write down Mello's real name in the notebook" Near informed, catching everyone off guard. 'No... He's lying... Right?' (Y/n) questioned in her thoughts, not wanting to believe Near would do something that harsh.

"Of course, that means he'll die, if I also die 13 days later, we then I guess Kira wins. Either way, it's a gamble I'm quite willing to make" Near informed, while Light glared into nothing, suspicious of Near's words. 'Of course... Near's just doing this because he's bored, and most likely promised to protect me' (Y/n) thought with a sweatdrop.

"Testing and confirming the 13 days can only benefit the Kira investigation. Other than my possible death, there will be no drawbacks, I'm willing to put my life on the line, if it will help us solve the case" Near informed. 'Plus, it will help me save (Y/n) from that monster's clutches' Near thought, but didn't voice it.

'If I answer him based on my feelings alone, it'll only make me look worse to everyone' Light thought while sweating in nervousness. "Can you please wait for a moment? We need to discuss your suggestion" Light informed, as he turned around, clicking mute.

As he turned around, everyone was to focus on Light to notice (Y/n) unmuting the mic. She grabbed the headset, and gently tapped on the microphone, sending morse code through it. Once she is finished, she muted the mic, and placed the headset back, while Near listened very closely to the message.

She placed it back at the right time, as everyone finished agreeing to not use the notebook, causing Light to turn around. "Near, we've talked it over, and we can't allow you to use the notebook as that" Light informed. "I had a feeling you might say so, no matter, just one last question before I go," Near said.

"To the members of the Japanese Task Force, was there ever a point in the investigation with a second L was suspected to be Kira? Even if the suspect was later dropped? If you've been listening to our conversations so far, and have any intentions of helping my investigation, and taking down Kira, call the number I'm about to give you" Near informed.

"Day or night, I will answer, the choice is up to you," Near said, causing a lot of internal conflict amongst the members. 'There is no way Light can be Kira! No, it's like I don't want to believe he's Kira, but if the 13-day rule is fake, then we really can't say for sure if he's innocent, this could change everything' Aizawa thought while glaring at Light, and giving (Y/n) a worried look.

'Near... I have to kill him!' Light thought in anger, trying his hardest to not hurt (Y/n) from his rage. "This is Kira... If you want proof I can read out the list of people that I'm going to punish tomorrow. Now, you can check it and make your final decision afterward" Kira informed the President.

"Mr. President, I'm very grateful that you and your country have sympathized with me. But, I'm afraid that even that much isn't enough. The SPK is still trying to catch me, despite your recent announcement, I want you to stop them, immediately, and formally disband them" Kira demanded.

On the other side of the phone, Light is typing away on her computer, while threatening the President, with Misa and (Y/n) by his side. "At the same time, I want you to use the American police, the CIA, the FBI, and all other law enforcement organizations at your disposal to find out where the SPK members are currently hiding" Light typed out.

"As soon as you found their base of operations, I want you to forward that information to a third party, I will give you this contact shortly. Mr. President, whether you live a long life or not is up to you, don't forget that" Light threatened, knowing full well his demands will be met.

(Y/n) is watching Sakura TV with Misa, as she is witnessing what Light has demanded of the President. Misa watched closely, ready to write down Near's name when he escapes. (Y/n) witnesses a riot bellow the building Near is in, while Light mocks Near through his headset.

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