Chapter 20

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The walk home was silent between Light and (Y/n), "a friend? He's your friend? That's a good thing, isn't it Light?" Ryuk asks, ruining the silence. "That damn Ryuzaki, he had no problem figuring it out Kira and the second Kira had made contact with each other. I've got to eliminate him right away" Light said, annoyed with the outcome.

"D-Do you have to kill him?" (Y/n) asks him, not liking the idea of L dying, "yes my Queen, I have to, and with how things are progressing, I can't afford to be seen with Misa," Light said. Suddenly they hear Misa screaming out his name, "Light!!" Misa screamed, making Light turn around.

Instead of catching Misa, he sidesteps her, making Misa fall to the ground. "Ow... Why didn't you catch me?! Also, I'm sorry, but I couldn't wait for two weeks as you said! Actually, I was just on my way to your house when I spotted you!" Misa said, standing up quickly with a smile, ignoring (Y/n) in the process.

'This is the first time in my life that I am provoked to hit a woman' Light thought with a growl. "I just... Wanted to see you so badly" Misa shyly said. "Well... You might as well come over" Light reluctantly said, as there are people watching, "yay!" Misa exclaimed, quite happy that she is invited over.

They then started walking, Light's arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, while Misa walks on the other side of him. "Oh, (Y/n), I didn't see you there, when did you get here?" Misa asks her. "Well... I've been here..." (Y/n) mumbled out, arriving at Light's home, to once again have dinner at his place.

When they got there, both Light's Mom and Sister were waiting at the door, and a bunch of magazines in Sayu's hand, with Misa's picture on it. "Ahh! Great to see you Misa, and you too (Y/n)! I saw you in a whole bunch of magazines" Sayu said to Misa, while Light opened the door for the two females.

"Please, come on in, also (Y/n) your staying over again?" Sachiko asked, "yeah, if that is alright with you Sachiko" (Y/n) said, calling Light's Mother by her first name. "I don't mind at all, I'm just glad my son found someone he loves," Sachiko said with a smile, making Misa a bit mad.

"Can you make us some tea Mom?" Light asks Sachiko, later guiding Misa and (Y/n) to his room, and locking the door behind them. "Rem? You are Misa's ally, aren't you?" Light asks the Shinigami, "yes, I'd seen her many times from the Shinigami realm, and then certain events made me develop feelings for her" Rem confessed.

"Feelings?! But you're a Shinigami!" Ryuk said, quite confused about how that worked, hoping it will solve his internal conflict with his feelings for (Y/n). "You don't like what I said before, about how I'd kill you if you even attempted to kill Misa," Rem said, ignoring Ryuk completely.

"So, if Misa is happy, does that mean that you'll be happy as well?" Light asks Rem, most likely going to use that against Rem. "I suppose you could say that, I'd definitely don't want her to suffer" Rem confirmed, "as you know..." Light started, grabbing Misa's arm to bring her close to him.

"...Misa loves me" Light stated, "oh~ Light~!" Misa said in admiration, but, 'why does it not feel right? Why do I wish that he is (Y/n)...?' Misa pondered for a moment. "Misa... If I was happy, would that make you happy too?" Light asks Misa, leaning close to her, "yes~!" Misa confirmed, making Ryuk laugh.

"Then... Could you ask Rem to kill L?" Light asks Misa, making Ryuk and (Y/n) gasp. "Rem said your happiness is important, but what do you think would happen if L caught one of us? If means our happiness would be ruined" Light said, trying to manipulate Misa to get what he wants.

"It's true that Shinigami are forbidden to give other person's name to anyone, but then again. There is no rule that prevents Rem from killing anyone" Ryuk said, confirming that Rem can do what Light asks. "That's right, and if you agree to kill L, it would only make me love Misa that much more, plus I'd be grateful to you," Light said, trying to be more convincing to Misa.

"Most importantly, the two of us will be happy together," Light said, sounding like he wants to replace (Y/n) with Misa. "Rem..." Misa said with a sad look towards the Shinigami, "I want Light to love me, and I know we could be happy together, it's all I ever wanted" Misa said with a begging look.

'Finally, I can replace (Y/n), and convince Light to kill her for me! But... Why do I feel disappointed in only receiving Light's love?; Misa pondered, looking sadder than she should be. The silence was deafening, and Light is resisting the urge to comfort (Y/n), who is on the bed with a sad look.

"That's a shame," Light said, then he started to walk towards (Y/n), "fine..." Rem said, making Light stop in his tracks, turning to the Shinigami. "As you wish, Light Yagami, but I do not like you, this will not kill me even if ends up lengthening your life," Rem said seriously.

"I will kill L for you, it really makes no difference, he is just another human to me," Rem said, "HURRAY!" Misa cheered. "N-No! I don't want you to kill L!" (Y/n) stood up abruptly, tears running down her face. "I will not stand here, and watch you kill my friend!" (Y/n) announced losing her shyness.

Misa and Light's hearts broke a little from (Y/n) crying, "then why are you here?" Misa said with sass in her voice. "That's what I wonder as well, don't worry, I won't tell L, but I won't come back here either" (Y/n) said, walking to Light's door, and unlocking it, marching down the stairs and out the door.

She didn't notice the hurt look on Light's face, with his arm outstretched to try and stop her. The only reason he didn't run after her, was because Misa held onto his arm, making him glare at her. 'Damn it Misa, damn it L, once I get rid of you two, I am getting my Goddess back' Light thought with a hard glare.

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