Chapter 70

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"Delete, delete, delete, delete, DELEEEEEETTTTEEE!!!!" Mikami yelled, his sanity is too far gone. "On the other side of that door, is X-Kira, my guess is, in roughly 40 seconds, he'll look inside to see if we're dead. That's when we'll restrain him, and ceased the notebook. Whoever's name is not written down, must be Kira" Near said confidently.

"I-It's true... Kira would be the only one that guy wouldn't try to kill, but still..." Aizawa said through his shock. Meanwhile, Light is smiling in victory, 'I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!! I knew all along you tampered with the notebook, Near... You've been completely defeated. 'The notebook you altered was nothing more than a forgery that I had Mikami prepare, on the other hand, the one Mikami is writing their names in, is the real notebook! Which has been kept hidden till now' Light thought happily.

'I had Mikami create a fake notebook for himself, he also sent Takada several pages from the real one. So in a fact, it was Takada, not Mikami, who was doing the killings. As for Mikami, I had him write names in public several times, using the fake notebook. That way, he'd be noticed by anyone who was following him' Light revised through his well-thought-out plan.

'But Takada was the one behind the deaths, Mikami simply sent the names and faces, by cellphone. This little performance was how I make the SPK believe that the notebook Mikami used was the real one. Mikami's daily behavior was so methodical, it was almost obsessive, Near, you thought you could use this little habit to tamper with the notebook' Light thought sadistically.

'All you had to do was count to the page he'd use on the day of this meeting, then you replaced all the pages from that day onward. You'd be confident you'd prevent anyone from dying' Light thought, taking a massive guess on what Near's plan was. 'But, I was one step ahead of you, Near, I always knew you're going to try and alter the Death Note' Light thought confidently.

'That's why I had Mikami check the notebook every day, for signs of tampering. I knew I won this game as soon as I got that message. Mikami brought a different notebook today, the real one, which has been kept hidden up until now' Light thought, finally finished explaining his long plan, mentally.

'But you know, Near... You did have a chance to win, if only you have taken it, you were just to nieve. You're nothing compared to L; L would've considered the possibility of a fake notebook from the very beginning, and he would've tested it. You had the chance, but you squandered it, I've got to say, I'm so disappointed in you, this victory was no fun. You've tried to win in a noble way, well that's fine, everyone but (Y/n) dies today!' Light thought while mocking Near.

'As for me... I, Kira, will have my perfect victory, along with my perfect Goddess' Light thought with a sadistic smirk. The seconds felt like hours, as Light waited for Near to keel over and die. "You there, outside, have you finished writing down the names in the notebook?" Light asked, as he no longer needs to hold up a fake persona in front of soon-to-be-dead people.

"Yes... I've written them" Mikami confirmed, shocking the 4 investigators, while Light's eye twitched in anticipation. "Don't you think it's rather odd? Why would he answer you so quickly, calmly, and honestly, when you asked him if he'd written down our names yet?" Near questioned darkly.

"Who knows, maybe he's just honest, or confident he'll succeed, or perhaps he has seen through your brilliant plan" Light suggested, trying hard not to laugh in celebration. "Teru Mikami, if it's not too much trouble for you, won't you please come in and join us?" Near asked calmly.

"I already know that you're the one who's been judging and executing people for Kira if you have already written down our names. Then there shouldn't be anything to be afraid of, you can come right on in" Near said confidently. Teru doesn't do as ordered, "Teru Mikami, is it? He's correct, there's no reason to hide from us, you can come in" Light said casually.

Mikami immediately opened the door further, the screeching of metal against concrete pierced the air, the bright sun flowing into the darkroom. "How many seconds has it been since you've written down the first name?" Light asked calmly, which Mikami complied to eagerly.

"30 seconds, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.... 39!" Mikami said, getting louder at every number. "Well Near, looks like I win," Light said with a sadistic smirk. "40!!" Mikami shouted, thus ending the countdown of the inevitable deaths of everyone except Light, and Mikami.

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