Chapter 24

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First Day of Confinement

Today is the first day of confinement, unlike Misa, he has a bed and a toilet, also his blindfold was removed, but his hands are still cuffed behind his back. On the screen, they see Misa on the left, and Light on the right, "Ryuzaki, I'd like to request that you take me off this investigation" Soichiro said to L.

"I thought about it, and the fact is, that we're holding my son, Light, as a crime suspect. Given that, it's not appropriate for me to be here when we spoke earlier, my feelings got in the way, it's impossible for me to be objective in this situation" Soichiro said, giving a good reason why he should take his leave.

"I agree with you, we can't let personal feelings get in the way," L said while still staring at the computer screen. "And, in truth, i-if the task force concludes that my son is Kira, I don't know what I will be capable of," Soichiro said with a sad look. "I think it will be best to not have you working here, for now, it must be hard seeing your son like this..." (Y/n) said with a frown.

"I agree with (Y/n), to be honest, I wonder what you might do... I'd believe you'd kill your son, and then yourself. I also agree that it's best that we don't have you working here for now" L said while taking a bite of cantaloupe. "Ryuzaki, I will ask if you can confine me as well," Soichiro said.

"W-What?" (Y/n) announced, confused by his request, "at the moment I'm calm, but to be honest, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take," Soichiro said. "I thought you might say that, so I spoke with Watari, he's made arrangements," L said, making it seem that everything is normal.

"But... Your confinement will be different, you will keep your cellphone turned on, and maintain regular contact with family and friends" L said since Soichiro is not a suspect. Now they have three people in confinement, this is really getting out of hand, (Y/n) is almost tempted to tell L everything.

Third-Day of Confinement

It's the third day of confinement, Soichiro is now seen underneath Light's camera visual, unlike Misa and Light, he has no restraints and can use his cellphone to call for help. "This is really getting out of hand..." (Y/n) mumbled out while looking at the sad state Soichiro is in.

"Ryuzaki, talk to me, what is happening? Have any new criminals been identified? Anyone that Kira would be likely to target? If so, has he killed any of them?" Light asks while looking at the camera that is pointed at him. "In fact, quite a few criminal names have been broadcast recently, but since you've been detained, we haven't had one report of a criminal being killed by Kira," L said, making the situation look bad for Light.

"Wait, no one's been killed? Really?" Light asks, pretending to play innocent, "yes" L confirmed, "I see, so it's only a matter of time before I am convicted as Kira" Light said while looking down with a smile. (Y/n) is looking towards the Shinigami that is sitting next to Light, she heard him mumble something about apples.

Fifth Day of Confinement

Suddenly Ryuk started doing weird things with his body, complaining about needing apples, "in the end, I just have to get through this, no matter what" Light said while Ryuk continues to twist his body. "You know what, Mr. Stalker, your video won't sell if it's just me sitting here the whole time," Misa said, as recently they put a stool under her so that she doesn't stand for 3 days.

Meanwhile, Soichiro looked like he just died in his chair, just staring at the ceiling and not saying anything. "Mr. Yagami looks like he just died on his chair..." (Y/n) mumbled out, "he is taking this harder than Light or Misa," L said. During those five days, not a single criminal that's been broadcasted has been killed.

"What do you expect? In these situations, the parents must suffer a lot more than the accused" the younger policeman said to L and (Y/n). "No kidding, especially now that we're seeing proof of Light is Kira" the older policeman agreed with the younger's statement.

"Mr. Yagami?" L asked, making Soichiro stand up quickly, "WHAT IS IT?! IS IT GOOD NEWS?! IS IT BAD NEWS?!" Soichiro yelled, looking beyond tired. "No, I wanted to tell you not to worry so much, it doesn't matter how much time you devoted to worrying about this, the outcome will be the same. This could go on for quite some time, perhaps you should rest in a more comfortable place" L said with a tinge of worry for the chief.

"Impossible! What makes you think I care where I am?! It won't change anything! With the state I'm in now, this is the best place for me" Soichiro said while knocking his chair down to stand. "And no matter what the results, when I leave here, it's going to be with my son!" Soichiro said while grabbing the camera.

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