Misa Amane x Reader Ending

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"Where are you (Y/n)? Where's Misa? Where's Takada?!" Light questioned, as he has run out of options. "AHHHH!!!!" Mikami yelled out, as blood sprayed everywhere, this caught everyone's attention. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!! AHHHh!!!" Mikami continues to yell, as his blood spills out like a fire hydrant bursting.

Light took this opportunity to flee while he still had the chance, hoping to maybe get away alive. "Wait... Light!" Matsuda yelled out, gaining the other's attention on Light's fleeing figure. "He's getting away!" Mogi pointed out the obvious, ready to run after him.

"Mr. Aizawa, it's unlikely he has any pieces of the notebook, and with those wounds, he's not going to go far. He'll stop running soon, even if we leave him alone" Near informed. "Near, I'm not going to follow your orders," Aizawa said bluntly, which surprised Near.

"Very well then... I'll leave it up to you," Near said while casting his gaze away from Aizawa. "Near... If you don't mind, I'd like to help look for Light" (Y/n) said, gaining Near's attention. Near reluctantly got off (Y/n)'s lap, letting her follow Aizawa out of the room, and towards Light's direction.

After the news of Light's death, (Y/n) was allowed to go home, instead of doing that she went to Misa's place. "(Y/n)!! H-H-He's dead!! He's dead!!" Misa cried out while hugging (Y/n) tightly. "Shh... You were too good for him..." (Y/n) silently said, while rubbing her hand against Misa's back.

"I want to die!!!" Misa cried out, occasionally hiccuping and dripping snot on (Y/n)'s shirt. "N-No! Please... I-I care about you... Live longer... For me" (Y/n) said, trying her hardest to prevent Misa's suicide. "R-Really?" Misa sniffled out while looking at (Y/n) with puppy dog eyes. "Promised..." (Y/n) said reassuringly, while gently petting Misa's hair.

A year later, Misa finally got out of her depression and stayed engaged with (Y/n), using her as her purpose in life. (Y/n) had changed careers and became a nurse, as all she wanted to do was help people. "(Y/n), (Y/n)! I got the part!!! I am so happy!!" Misa exclaimed over the phone, as Misa called while (Y/n) is on break.

"Really? Congratulations! We should celebrate, you get to decide what restaurant tonight" (Y/n) said happily. "Yay!!! You're the best (Y/n)!! I love you!!! Oh! I have to go! I'll talk to you soon!!" Misa exclaimed happily and hung up the phone. (Y/n) shook her head, lightly chuckling at Misa's hyper personality.

"Sounds like you have a loving partner," someone said, the voice sounding male. (Y/n) looked towards the voice, seeing Dr. Seth sitting next to her. "Dr. Seth! I didn't see you there! How are you?" (Y/n) asked, trying to be polite to her boss. "I'm alright, no need for the formalities, we're on break," Seth said reassuringly.

"Careful, don't be falling for me, I'm dating someone" (Y/n) teased, earning a laugh from her boss. "Oh, looks like our break's up, back to work, I hope to work with you more often," Seth said, sending her a sly wink. Heading back to work, Seth has unknowingly set off a certain someone, who has been stalking (Y/n).

It's now the end of the day, and Misa is waiting for (Y/n) to leave the building where she works in. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Over here!!" Misa yelled out while waving her arms around frantically. (Y/n) walked over to Misa, giving her a loving hug, Misa happily gave one back.

"Have I made you wait long?" (Y/n) asked, hoping that her overtime didn't make Misa wait. "Nope! I just got here!" Misa said reassuringly, but Misa is lying. While Misa was hugging (Y/n), she made sure to send Dr. Seth a glare that can kill. 'He thinks he can take my (Y/n) away from me?' Misa thought with an evil glint in her eyes, plotting Seth's death.


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