Chapter 10

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The next evening, (Y/n) is once again walking with Light, "watching you? Are you saying you're being spied on? That's so creepy" (Y/n) said. "Something like that, don't worry about it, alright?" Light said, then he turned to Ryuk, "now, are you sure there is no one is following us?" Light asks.

"Yes, I am sure" Ryuk once again confirmed their safety, "but on the news, they said their despatching 1500 investigators in Japan" Light said somewhat seriously. "What? 1500 investigators? That's a lot for just one case" (Y/n) said, while nervously gripping onto Light's arm.

"Don't worry love, they're most likely just bluffing, to scare Kira" Light said, giving (Y/n) a reassuring pat on the head. "You know, you haven't been so nice to me, Light," Ryuk said. "Don't complain so much, you're leaching off of (Y/n)'s apples" Light lectured the God of Death while bringing (Y/n) closer to him.

"You know, I can kill you both, just like that, so you shouldn't be complaining," Ryuk said teasingly, as he doesn't actually want to kill (Y/n). "Hey, (Y/n) mind studying with me?" Light asks, "oh... Uhm... Sure! I don't mind" (Y/n) said a bit nervously, as she isn't that smart.

When they get to Light's room, L and Light's Father are surprised by her arrival, she never told them she is friends with Light. They did some actual studying, while the TV played in the background, Light is just glad he gets to spend time with her. 'I'll kill people after (Y/n) leaves, she's more important than some petty criminals' Light thought with a genuine smile.

In the morning, she got a call from L, most likely to ask her why she was with a suspect. "Hey Ryu, what do you-" (Y/n) was cut off by an angry father. "What were you doing with my son?! I thought you said you'd only put wiretaps and hidden cameras!" Soichiro yelled through Ryu's phone.

"N-No need to yell..." (Y/n) mumbled out, but he heard her, "m-me and Light... W-Were friends, since... a few weeks ago" (Y/n) shyly said, trying to clear things up. "Give me my phone back," L said, loud enough for (Y/n) to hear, most likely snatching his phone away from Soichiro.

"Sorry about that love, but be careful around Light," L said, not showing how mad he is about Light spending time with her. Another morning has passed, and Ryuk is now allowed to eat apples in Light's house again, (Y/n) is currently waiting in front of Lights house.

"There you are Light, come on, before we're late to school!" (Y/n) said with a happy smile, while Light linked arms with her. "Alright, alright," Light said with a chuckle, while they travel to school together, apparently it's the day of the University Test. They are 10 minutes early, and (Y/n) is too worried, while Light is complaining about being early.

During the test, Light sat in front of (Y/n), and made Ryuk copy his answers, he doesn't want to go to Uni without her. "You there! Student number 162, sit properly in your chair!" The teacher said, making both Light and (Y/n) to take a glance at the student. 'Huh?! What is L doing here?' (Y/n) thought, with a surprised look, unaware of the staring contest between Light and L.

Getting accepted into the same exam, then they proceeded to walk together to the University Entrance Ceremony. "You're both college students now, that's kind of exciting, I'm filled with joy," Ryuk said sarcastically, as he didn't really care. Light is quite happy that (Y/n) will be going to the same Uni as him, not knowing that the only reason she got accepted was because of L.

"Now for the Freshmen address, Freshmen Representative, Light Yagami," the announcer said, making Light stand. (Y/n) is currently sitting between L and Light. "And Freshmen Representative, Hideki Ryuga," the announcer said, making L stand up, while the name caused some commotion.

When their speech is finished, they go back to their seats, "Light... Light Yagami, just so you know... (Y/n) is mine" L whispered to Light. Light scowled at L, not liking the claim, "I'm sorry... but who said she is yours?" Light whispered back through gritted teeth. When they sat down there is lighting connecting to their eyes.

'We'll see who will win her heart, I will not lose' Light and L thought at the same time, the tension between them grew. "Also, I want to tell you... I'm L" L whispered to Light, making the tension stronger, and (Y/n) surprised he would tell Light. 'Now I have two reasons to kill him' Light thought while trying not to glare harder at L.

The Ceremony ended, and Light gently grabs (Y/n), so that L doesn't take her from him. "Oh hey Light, hey love," L said, approaching the two. "Hey, Ryu! How have you been?" (Y/n) asks, letting go of Light's arm to approach L, much to Light's annoyance. "I've been well, it was nice meeting you Light," L said, hooking his arm around (Y/n)'s to drag her along.

'Damnit! He's taking my Goddess away! Damn bastard!' Light thought while Ryu and (Y/n) approach an amazing car. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you on campus Light," L said, then gave (Y/n) a gentle pat on the head, while glaring at Light. Being enraged, he gently pulls (Y/n) away from L, bringing her to his side, and putting a protective arm around her waist.

"I think you should be going now," Light said through gritted teeth, causing L to clench his hand into a fist. But he complied as he doesn't want to cause a scene, well, not in front of (Y/n) of course. "Come on, let's go home," Light said to (Y/n), dragging her along while getting glares from girls.

The trip home was silent, Light hasn't spoken a word, it made (Y/n) worried, in truth, Light is planning out ways to kill L. "So, you know him?" Light asks while they stopped near his house. "Oh... Uhm... Yeah, we've known each other since we were young" (Y/n) said truthfully, and nervously.

"What's with the look? Are you alright?" Light asks, worried about her, "oh, well, you haven't said a word since we met Ryu, I was getting worried, are you alright?" (Y/n) asks him. Seeing her worried look when she said that, he gives her a gentle forehead kiss, making her blush.

He chuckles at her reaction making her pout, "w-what was that for!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her whole face going red. "You're adorable when you worry, and it's sweet, I'm alright (Y/n), I'll see you tomorrow" Light said with a smile. He gave her a head pat and proceeded to walk to his door.

When he finally entered his room, he flops onto his bed, touching his lips, his pupils turning into hearts. 'I should do that more often... To get to see her blush like that, it's too much... I can't wait till she is mine' Light thought with a sadistic, and lovesick smile.

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