Chapter 67

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(Y/n) has been nonstop entertaining Near, by playing with his action figures, and occasionally paying attention to anything major going on. "Near, it's all been taken care of, I did exactly as you asked" Jivany reported, after hours of nonstop stalking Mikami, "good" Near praised.

"T, that's all I have to tell you today, we'll talk soon," Kiyomi said, after giving Mikami some orders. "Very well, I understand, I also have a message for you," Mikami said before Kiyomi could hang up. "Yes? What is it?" Kiyomi asked, "I've confirmed it," Mikami said cryptically, but Kiyomi knew exactly what he meant.

Kiyomi then texted Light, saying that she wants to see him soon. "Ooooo, it says she wants to see you, man I'm so jealous," Matsuda said. 'I've done it! That's the sign of confirmation from Mikami, now all I have to do is wait for Near to request a meeting face-to-face. Game over Near, I win, then I will get (Y/n) back!' Light thought with a victory smirk.

"Sir, this is Jivany, I've been checking the notebook regularly, as you ordered, for the past 3 days. He's continued filling out one page every night, after midnight, as he usually does. The victims still match up, and there's been no change in Mikami's behavior otherwise" Jivany reported.

"I understand, well, then let's begin" Near stated, as he sets his plan into motion. "L?" Near questioned, wanting to see if Light answered. "Yes, this is L, what is it Near?" Light asked, quite eager to put his plan to a close, "I want to meet you" Near informed. "What?" Light questioned, wanting to make sure he heard that right, "there's something I must show you, pertaining to the Kira case" Near informed.

"But, don't you suspect me of being Kira? Do you really think it's wise to reveal your face to me?" Light questioned, not wanting to get eager and just say "sure". "That's true, I cannot show you unless I reveal my face, furthermore, the very act of showing my face will prove something. And that will bring this case to a close" Near said confidently.

"Alright, fine, as far as I'm concerned, the sooner you realize you're wrong about me, the better" Light said. "I'd like to lay out some ground rules for the meeting," Near said after a long pause. "We're willing to go along with whatever you want," Light said because soon, someone will win the case.

"First, I want to have all the investigators from both teams be present, in other words. Everyone who's chasing after Kira would be gathered together, to take part in the meeting" Near said, as he started to set up all the toy pieces into place. "I understand," Light said, confirming that he's listening and will do as ordered.

"As I mentioned before, there are a total of 4 members of the SPK, that's including myself, all of us will be there. Besides our team, we'll also bring along Mr. Mogi, and (Y/n) who's currently staying with us. As for Miss Amane, she'll be released right before we meet, she'll not be told where we're going. You can come and meet us, once you confirmed she's been safely released" Near said, as he flicked the toy that looked like Misa.

"Is that acceptable?" Near questioned, wanting to make sure that they agree to this plan. "Okay Near, I understand, I have a team of 5 investigators, including myself, of course, Mogi is with you at the moment. So besides from me, there only be 3 people" Light said, while deciding the decision on his own.

"Very well, that's fine, now as for our meeting place," Near said as he turned to the Commander. The Commander then showed a picture of an abandoned warehouse. "Dye Coco Worth, there's a warehouse on the outskirts of the South-East side, that's been abandoned for some time. It's known as the yellow box, I've already taken the liberty of purchasing it" Near informed.

"If this arrangement is fine with you, then we'll use it," Near said, eagerly waiting for Light's response. "One more thing, this meeting can not take place, unless I have your word that someone will bring the notebook" Near added in. "Huh? Wait, why the notebook?" Light asked while a dark shadow covered his eyes.

"It's quite simple, if your entire team leaves HQ to me, then there'll be no one left behind to guard the notebook. I can promise you this, I will make no attempts to steal it, in fact, I won't even try to touch it. As long as Mr. Aizawa can confirm that it's the genuine notebook, I'm willing to place my faith in you, and accept his word" Near informed.

"However, I do insist that someone either than L hold on to it, my reasons for making that request should be fairly obvious to you," Near said in a mocking tone. "Right, I understand, but I'll be the one who decides who will hold onto it, does that sound fair?" Light asked.

"Yes, of course, then all that's left to arrange is the time and date," Near said, while skillfully planning a time. "Say... 3 days from now, on the 28th, at 1 p.m.?" Near asked, knowing he is taking Mikami's time schedule into consideration. "That's fine by me, the time doesn't really concern us," Light said, with a confident smile.

"Well then, 1 o'clock, 3 days from now," Near said, as he hung up, after getting confirmation that they will meet that day. 'Light... I know exactly what your plan is, and I'm going to win!' Near thought confidently while clutching onto (Y/n)'s arm possessively, and protectively.

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