Chapter 57

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Mello had just landed in Japan, of the South Wing Arrivals, witnessing people watching Sakura TV. "Fellow Kira supporters! I urge you, do not to rush the building all at once! The traitors may attempt to blend in with the crowd to escape. I am Kira's loyal servant, and spokesman, you must listen to me!" Demigawa demanded while people rioted below the building.

"Near... You got no choice, you better evacuate" Light said with a smirk, acting very suspicious. (Y/n) stayed behind Misa, a look of worried plastered on her face, as she wasn't able to warn Near ahead of time. "You've got some nerve to say that, being Kira" Near jabbed, with a scowl.

"What? Are you still going on about that nonsense?" Light questioned, still playing the innocent card. "Think about it, with all the anti-Kira groups around, why is it we're being targeted right after I started suspecting you? Pretty convenient, if you ask me" Near pointed out while knocking over a toy robot.

"With all due respect, you're wrong, you're jumping to conclusions" Light accused, while Ryuk just floated lazily in the air. "Members of the task force, please listen to me, Kira is likely amongst you, even as we speak, he is in that room. I'm simply asking you to think about this carefully" Near informed once again.

'Light is Kira! This is sounding way too familiar, the original L also thought that Light had to be Kira. If that's true, that means... (Y/n) is in trouble' Aizawa thought in worry. He gave a glance towards Light, giving the back of his head a glare for possibly keeping an innocent girl hostage and pretending to be innocent.

On the TV, it showed the rioters starting fighting each other, seemingly forgetting about the plan. "Near, we need to evacuate immediately" the Commander urged, "really? What pathetic people, I'm not surprised if they're all ordinary people, who support what Kira's trying to do" Near commented.

"I'm talking about all the citizens, who believe that the heart set by punishing evildoers, Kira will actually make this world a better place to live. But, as for this crowd outside, they're a completely different breed, they are truly despicable and stupid. This is just a diversion for them, they're all selfish" Near insulted, while knocking over more toys.

"I-I know that, but it still leads us to the immediate problem," the Commander said in a worried tone. "We'll use L's legacy and the anti-Kira protesters we hired" Near informed, ready to use the secret plan. "Yes, but we only have one shot with that plan" the Commander informed, worried it might not work.

"I'm aware of that, but I can't imagine a better time to do it, besides it should be interesting," Near said while picking up his toys. The plan slowly revealed when the sky started to rain money, this quickly paused the riot's outburst, only to quickly realize it's money, as they all try to grab hand fulls of it.

'Money? Near... You son of a bitch, you nearly gave me a heart attack' (Y/n) thought with a relieved sigh, as she figured out Near's plan. "OVER THERE PIOLET! GO TO THE FLOOR WHERE ALL THE MONEY'S COMING FROM!" Demigawa demanded through the TV.

"Sheesh! What are you doing Demigawa?! Don't you know that you can't buy love and peace with money?!" Misa lectured in anger. Meanwhile, Light is angry looking at the TV screen, angrily flipping channels to hopefully catch Near sneaking away. He quickly found another channel taking a video of the civilians, as the police got involved.

"The police have arrived," the live feed said, catching Light's attention, as he recalled telling the President to call them off. "They're a welcome sight in the midst of what could only be called a full-scale riot," the live feed said. 'This is bad, at this rate...' Light thought angrily, as he knows his plan isn't going his way.

Near and his small group is putting on police uniforms, "let's go, this is our window of opportunity, we can leave through the front exit" Near informed. Police filed out of the building, Near's group hiding amongst the group, avoiding being caught by the camera, as fast as the group came into view, they were quickly gone.

'Damn it...' Light thought with a glare, while (Y/n) is silently cheering for Near's escape. Aizawa glared at Light, as he paid close attention to Light's strange behavior. The riot site was quickly cleaned up, and abandoned, quickly turning dark, officially ending the chaotic day.

(Y/n) had moved back into the main room, pretending to act like she didn't witness anything beforehand. "Hey guys, why do you all look like something major happened?" (Y/n) questioned. "(Y/n)! You should've seen it, there was a ton of money raining from Near's building!" Matsuda informed with a disappointed whine.

"Matsuda! I told you to knock it off!" A police officer yelled out, quite fed up with Matsuda's jokes. "It was like... Maybe 10 million dollars, or something!" Matsuda exaggerated. "Ooo, what's that in apples?" Ryuk butted in with a question, "if I were to give an estimate, I would say it can fill this whole room" (Y/n) informed Ryuk.

"Really?" Ryuk asked as he started imagining all those apples he could be having. Suddenly, a call sounded from the computer, "Near" Light said in shock, catching everyone's attention. Everyone quickly puts on their headsets to listen in to the call.

"This is Near, we've established a secure connection, so I thought I should give you a call, to let you know" Near informed. "Near! You're safe! I'm so glad" (Y/n) announced through the microphone, unaware that Near's confident smile, turned into a softer smile, one full of longing.

"To all of you on the task force, I'm sure that by now, some of you are starting to suspect that Kira may be one of you. Given the time and days of an attack on our headquarters, I don't think anyone could blame you for having doubts. If you don't suspect the second L of being Kira by now, you're in the wrong line of work" Near informed, while pushing down his feelings to talk to (Y/n), as it's not the time for that.

"The number I gave you the day before has been reconnected, please feel free to call anytime you like," Near said with a smirk. "Well then, I'll be waiting for your call," Near said with a small chuckle, ending the call at that, knowing that he has Light cornered.

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