Chapter 26

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Fiftieth Day of Confinement

That night Ryuk started following (Y/n) again, turns out the only reason he was gone yesterday was to go eat some apples. "Mr. Yagami, are you alright?" (Y/n) asks, as she is staring at Soichiro's hunched form, she is very worried for the male. "T-There is no reason for you to keep doing this to yourself, you know..." (Y/n) said.

"It's been over a month since Kira started killing criminals again, and as far as I'm concerned, that's all the proof I need to be sure that my son isn't Kira," Soichiro said in a tired tone. "So then, all that's left is for L to be sure... One way, or another, when I get out of here, it will be with my son" Soichiro said stubbornly.

"Light, how are you feeling right now?" (Y/n) asked Light, deciding to switch mics, seeing Light laying on the floor. "Ugh... I'm okay, thank you (Y/n)... Is Ryuzaki there?" Light asks her, "yeah I'm here" L answers for (Y/n). "Ryuzaki... I know that in the time that I've been imprisoned no new criminals have died... However, that suggests to me that Kira must be someone who's intimately familiar with the situation, and if-" Light keeps going to plead his innocence, but was cut off.

"No Light, the reason criminals have stopped dying is that you are Kira," L said, cutting Light's excuse off. "No! I'm not Kira! How many times do I have to say it?!" Light rejected L's idea once again. "Amane," L said, switching mics to check up on Misa, whose head is bent downwards.

"Yes?" Misa asked in a very weak voice, (Y/n) almost didn't hear her, "are you okay?" (Y/n) asks instead of L, quite worried for the female. "You seem... Tired" (Y/n) said in a worried tone, "...Is that supposed to be funny? How are you expecting me to look, after being tied up and questioned for this many days?" Misa said in a sad, tired, tone.

"Hm, that's true," L said, not worried at all, "please just let me go... I want to see Light... I want to see (Y/n) as well... Please... Light... (Y/n)... Help me..." Misa said silently. "Ryuzaki! You have no reason to keep Light locked up anymore! Do the right thing and let him go! Then we can get the chief out too" the older policeman said angrily.

"Criminals are still being killed, even though Misa and Light haven't had access to any of that information! We know that much already! So what are you waiting for?!" The older policeman asked angrily, while L is unbothered. "Not true, all we really know at this point is that Amane harvests an unnaturally strong devotion for Light and (Y/n)" L said.

"Ryuzaki, I'm sorry, but with all due respect, from where I'm standing, it's starting to look like you're only doing this because you don't want to admit you were wrong about Light," the older policeman said. "Yes, I figured you'd say that," L said, pissing off the older policeman more.

"Okay, fine! But we do know that Kira killed Lind L. Tailor and those FBI agents, right?! As Light said if Kira could kill while under surveillance, and without access to information, there would've been no need! If they didn't pose a threat to him, then why would he bother killing them?!" The older policeman asked in anger.

"Kira doesn't kill without good reason! I've heard you say so yourself, on more than one occasion!" The older policeman finished his rant, making Matsuda realize something. "Oh, I see, if he was able to kill under these circumstances, then he wouldn't have been concerned about those FBI agents in the first place," Matsuda said, basically summarising the older policeman's long rant.

"It's already been 50 days, there's no point to this anymore!" The older policeman said, but he noticed that L wasn't really taking him seriously. "Ryuzaki! It's time to start looking for the real Kira" The older policeman finally got to the point, they were met with silence for a while, making (Y/n) wonder what L might do.

"Yes... I understand" L said, L's decision proceeded with telling Soichiro his ideas, and how they are going to move forward. (Y/n) didn't hear what they said, but whatever L told Soichiro, it made his jaw drop, not literally, but his mouth is open. She just hopes that L is making the right decision.

Three Days Later

(Y/n) is currently standing next to Light along with the older policeman, she was told that she gets to say goodbye to him. They waited awhile, but eventually, a car pulled up, blinding them temporarily, Light was surprised to see his Dad bringing Misa. "LIGHT!! (Y/N)!!" Misa yelled while running straight towards the two, "OH I MISSED YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!" Misa said happily.

"Misa? Dad tell me what's all this about?" Light asks Soichiro in a demanding tone, "he's your Dad? Oh my god! I totally called your Dad a stalker! He's so old and all kinds of other rude stuff! Please to meet you! My name's Misa Amane! I'm Light's and (Y/n)'s girlfriend! I'd like to-" Misa said energetically, but cut herself off when she noticed they were ignoring her.

"Let's go, get in the car," Soichiro said, (Y/n) quickly hugs Misa and Light with a sad look, "don't look so sad, I'll be back, I promise," Light said with a reassuring smile. But, he didn't get one back, making him worried about (Y/n) and what might happen on his trip with his Dad.

Eventually Misa and Light got into Soichiro's car, (Y/n) waited for the car to vanish to turn to the older male next to her. "I hope no one has to die..." (Y/n) mumbled out in a sad tone. They rode back to the headquarters to watch on the small hidden camera, watching Light get traumatized by his own Dad.

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