Chapter 9:Hand

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     I gave a helping hand to my fellow Hashira and assisted her after I slinked through the open window and my feet met with solid ground. (Y,n) slid into the room from the gap after grabbing onto my outstretched wrist, still holding onto the windowsill before she stood on the  flooring as well to the soft lighting of the large office- the 5th or sixth landing of the structure, I'm pretty sure.

     A lucky spot we managed to spot near the top  while climbing down from the roof, a lot better than having to clamber all the way back to the ground level. No attention drawn to us whatsoever, and we can just walk out of here like nothing ever happened!

     I quietly closed the window we'd used to get in while I swayed to stand up. My legs feel like absolutely jelly; wobbly now on smooth flooring that's mocking me with a sickly, teetering motion to my whole axis. I would love to take a little break if I could, gather myself up and settle down. To think; I nearly plunged to a place of no return from a height of six stories! ... I don't like tall places all that much, not ranges such as that. Yeah, two or three stories are decent, but not being on the very top of 60 feet worth of building. At least we don't have to be on the roof of such a grand place anymore-!


     The small sound of porcelain breaking cries across the walls from the echo it made, taking my comrade and I by surprise. Could we've accidentally knocked something down? That couldn't have been one of us, we're not near anything fragile.

     "Fuck." The Ice Hashira spat somewhere off under her breath as; she was the first to turn around and look at the rest of the space we've intruded in on. I took my time to glance in the area of her gaze, meeting simpler ones with so much fear and confusion behind them. They gawk at us through a glassy film, as if we're not even human.

     Our newest enemy-!!! ... An average civilian of Nichibotsu. Look away from him for too long, and you'd lose him in the crowd. Another copy of so many other business men in this town.

      The entire place went quiet to watch the stare down between us as he trembled out a finger our way, his other hand staying rigid from where it was once holding the petite teacup that we heard shatter on the floor. The remains of the warm drink have spoiled the rim of his outfit. His chest barely moved at all, and his mouth has taken the shape of a full circle from the little space his face has left to spare it's gaping hole.

     He... he must've been in here the entire time, seen everything that we just did!!! How did we not notice him?! What are we supposed to do, knock him out? Make a run for it?!

     "H-h-h-h... H-How did you... we're... we're on the sixth f-floor..." The man wheezed ever so breathlessly when his face got all blue with the shock- he's forgetting to breathe, too taken aback to remember such a natural function.

     The (h,c)-haired woman rushed over to the villager with just two strides across the floor, placing her hands on his shoulders. She brought him to look straight into the pits of her souls just through her eyes, giving him a face so malevolent that it doesn't range from the expressions she gives me often, not nearly. 

     "ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵃʷ ⁿ ᵒ ᵗ ʰ ᶦ ⁿ ᵍ ." ... The order came out in a decibel just barely higher than a note of silence, so chilling that it reached the rest of the room, freezing us all with every syllable. Her grip on him ever so gently tightened, the strings to her sights going to tell him all the silent warnings she has yet to utter. 

     The man took a breath in and-... his eyed rolled back into his head while he went limp in the body, crumbling into the arms of the slayer in front of him once losing all his consciousness. 

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