Chapter 54:Flower Parasol

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     It's me again, who's at a loss. I'm always the one to begin the talks between us, knowing that the bitter taste I'm left with at the very end is a hit-or-miss, but not this time. I'm tied at the tongue, and then there's her; someone who won't say something unless it's truly necessary. This is one of those times... but my hesitation is also what leaves her walking away so irritably, a sour parting.

     We've all been left yearning for the sweetness, one, I've failed to bring to those lifeless eyes.

     "It's (y,n), isn't it?" I swiped my eyes to Mitsuri when she softly tugged at my sleeve, still trying to keep on a wonderful veil. I assume her eyes are dry, by now. It took me an hour for my comfort to work before we spoke to Lady Yokomeda. I think a lot of people would cry if they were her.

     Iguro was so badly damaged that he couldn't even speak when the Kakushi came to retrieve him, bones broken, skin torn, lacerations, splinters, and as of morning's sunrise, a heavy fever that could very well get worse. It's the worst I've seen him, and all to think that a normal demon did something like this. Maybe not unbeatable... because he could still move.

     To touch where his fingers brushed softly against my nose, I have the images of his hand falling back down onto the cot he would soon be carried away on. Why he did so, I never got to ask; he fell back into slumber and stayed there in his spot afterwards. Hopefully, we can get some good news back from Shinobu, soon, in the case that we can hear what he knows.

     "Unfortunately so..." I exhaled, fixing up the buttons on my waiter vest.

     "We're all on a tight squeeze, but she does have the most pressure on her." She didn't even ask to be on this mission, and though it's all a part of our jobs to help the people without a second thought, the misfortune of her case isn't pretty.

     "I'm sure things will resolve themselves eventually."

      "But hasn't there been something going on with you two all this time, Kyojuro? You just said that she has more stress than any of us... but what does that mean for her?" ... She was nearly unresponsive once we all regrouped. I couldn't see her face after she wiped the blood away. Not because of the dim lighting, the shadow cast over her told me so. That was another opportunity wasted. Was it not concerning enough to have her be so short with me? Did I need to see tears to feel the need to step in? Grab her by the hand and comfort her along with our comrade? My feet have been at this cliff ever since the start of our mission.

     ... I feel useless.

     I haven't even thought to recognize all the weight on top of her, not even with how well I can read her, nowadays.

     "Haven't you heard how Lady Yokomeda and her talk? This isn't the first time (y,n)'s worked here." Double plus to her statement, she's hard on herself, extremely hard. She obviously didn't perform to her standards during the surprise attack. Unless it ended up with a dead demon, or her taking the Snake Pillar's place, there's no hope to satisfy the expectations.

      The pink-haired Slayer didn't throw on a smile at my expression, giving me the honesty of her worry. She's the only one I have to speak about this, what she saw between us two nights ago, the confusion that has lately seemed to follow me, it's only a fraction of the full frame.

     "If you think something's wrong, then why not talk it out?" Not even pretending to be surprised could make me shocked at that suggestion. What else, than to just talk. Communication is always key, and at times, I have to stop myself from chucking that very key into oblivion. Wouldn't that make this easier, to talk? It's more of the fact that actually starting the talk wouldn't be a daisy-walk.

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